Monday, June 13, 2016

INTERVIEW- Joshua Alvarez of the "Thank You For Existing" Project

Not too long ago I got a chance to meet Joshua at a show in Amityville, from there, I saw on his Facebook that he had this project going on in the scene called Thank You For Existing and I had to know more about it. That being said, here's a quick little interview I did about it with him, and shout out to him for doing something so positive.

PMR- So, what exactly is the “Thank you for Existing” project, and how did you go about starting it? Joshua- The "thank you for existing" project is a project based mainly on reminding people that they are matter. They are significant, and they are important. Just as much as everyone else in this world. And what truly inspired me to create this project was because I had been going through depression for most of my childhood and during that time I had felt invisible, worthless, and alone. And I would never want anyone to feel like that.
PMR-I see you’ve reached out to people in the scene at large for this, have you had a positive response to it thus far? Joshua- Yes, I have had a positive response up to this point for my "thank you for my existing" project mainly because I have told everyone that I meet that it is a project for mental health awareness, especially for individuals who are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts.
PMR- What artists have you reached out to for this project, and how has their response been? Joshua- Artists whom I've reached out to for this project are in from the bands Convictions and Versus. And when we first met at one of their shows together in New York City, they were all very inspired and supportive of what I was doing. As well as the message that I was spreading because they themselves all are on the same journey to helping create a much more loving society. And we are currently thinking of more ideas on how we can all continue to reach out to everyone.
PMR- What does hardcore/metal music mean to you, I mean like, the culture and the community itself. Joshua- Hardcore/metal music absolutely means the world to me especially because it was and still is one of the many things that continues to help me through my lowest of times. The culture is beautiful because I think of hardcore/metal as it's own form of art. It's a way of expressing yourself through different kinds of emotions through music, and that's something that you wouldn't normally do in the outside world today. It's about feeling completely safe, comfortable, happy, and free. It's about sharing your passion with everyone else. And I could say the same about the community, as well. It's about being who you truly want to be, and never allowing anyone to take that away from you. PMR-Where do you plan on taking this project, and do you have any plans to expand it? Joshua- I plan on continuing to take this project to greater heights, and I plan on continuing to help every single person out there who is struggling in their way because I believe that is required to constantly keep reminding each other that we matter and we are valued. So, this project is a message that I am going to be pursuing for the rest of my life. And the foundation of this project is to actually help inspire each and every single person to want stand out and to want make a difference themselves. The beginning to creating a better world begins with every one of us. And if I am capable of standing out, then so can you. You are just as strong as I am.

Always stand up for what you believe in, no matter who you are or where you come from. Your voice is just as important as everyone else's voice. Use it to build a better world.

"It takes one person to make a difference, and many people to change the world." PMR- Do you have any words of encouragement for anyone else who may want to do something like this project you are pursuing?

Joshua- All I would truly want to recommend for anyone who is beginning a project that is similar to the "thank you for existing" project, is to remember to always love yourself and to always believe in yourself, because you cannot give someone something which you do not possess. Once we love ourselves, and once we appreciate ourselves then we can all share that love and appreciation with humanity. It all begins with us. Don't ever give up, and don't ever stop believing in yourself. You are capable of doing anything that you want in this world, as long as you have a positive mindset, have a passion and have hope. Finally, Joshua had a few words for me (Scott) after the interview, and they were truly heartwarming Joshua- And with that being said, I just want to thank you Scott for such a wonderful interview. I absolutely loved answering these questions and sincerely appreciate you offering to interview me about why go out of my way to share the "thank you for existing" sign with the world. Hope begins with each and every one of us. Thanks again to Joshua for answering our questions, and for spreading positivity through the scene at large, keep at it buddy!

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