Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Top 5: Current TRUE Metalcore Revival Acts

Welp. Metalcore seems to be cool again. Or should I say “metalcore revival.” And that's in fact, awesome. Problem is as with any sub genre that becomes particularly popular...There are ALOT of bands that you can just skip over. Bands that aren't doing anything unique to stand out and that are just carbon copies of other bands who frankly execute it much better. That being said I, Sam, your resident jaded old(ish) guy is here to tell you the top metalcore revival bands to watch. I'm going to be focusing on bands that I feel pay tribute to actual metalcore and not so much just 90's style metallic hardcore (sorry Blistered). Moving on..

  1. Axis; OK so for a while I had been told about Axis and for whatever reason I just didn't give them the time of day. I don't know if the name didn't catch me or I was just being way too picky and judgmental but I just wouldn't do it. However, after seeing friends of mine whose musical opinion I held in high regard posting up about them. I decided to give them a chance and boy, was I wrong. Their upcoming full-length “Show Your Greed” is a sonic destructive assault on your ear drums plain and simple (see cover art above) . Alot of people have cited Drowningman or Kissitgoodbye but that felt too easy. To me it was part early Eighteen Visions, part poacher diaries Converge, and a shit ton of Turmoil. I'm not complaining in the least. The record doesn't stop at all and just emulates a chaotic feeling long absent in current heavier hardcore while still paying tribute to the style of elder times. Both crazy and ass kicking. If that's not enough, the lyrical content is exceedingly thought-provoking and deep. Half the time I'm not sure if I'm still listening to an album or Nietzsche. That being said, if you aren't either headbanging profusely or punching inanimate objects around you by the end of the first half, then you are stupid and I hate you.

  1. Renounced; There is no doubt in my mind that the UK has this so-called revival on lock. With Carry The Weight Records putting in serious work, every release they put out further solidifies that claim. While their first release “Conditioned From Birth” was enough to catch the ears of worldwide metalcore fans everywhere, 2014's “the Melancholy We Ache” really was the one to set them apart. When recently asked to describe them, I said they were a more pit anthem ready 7 Angels 7 Plagues with the heart and soaring harmonies of early Misery Signals (Of Malice era). There was a time when music could both level you emotionally one minute but then have you smashing your surroundings the next. This is that in a nutshell and it's fucking fantastic.
  2. Old Wounds; Old Wounds' The Suffering Spirit was easily the sleeper hit of 2015 for me. I had seen them years before at SUNY Oneonta and I could have sworn it was a 100% different band. If I remember correctly they did a more Guns Up!/No Warning style and I just was not overly impressed. Fast forward to a few months ago, when I first saw their music video and I was in love. The first time my jaw had dropped in a long time and it didn't stop there. The entire record just REEKED of early 2000's metalcore (strong nods to both Martyr AD and Eighteen Visions). With a hell of a live show to match it, I am expecting big things from the NJ natives and can't wait to see where they go next.
  3. Vatican; Tumblr is a interesting place, that is very well known. I met my current girlfriend on there and I continue to discover various cool shit. Several months ago, I was "Tumblin'" as the youth refer to it and saw someone post a band doing a very well done Martyr AD cover (American Hollow) and proceeded to watch it along with the rest of the set. I was very impressed, this band certainly did their homework. So much to the fact that I tracked down singer Jon Whittle, and ever since we constantly nerd out on Final Fantasy 7 and you guessed it - old metalcore. Plus he's just an all around really great, humble, and caring guy (attn: single ladies). Sidebar: I have never met anyone who emulates the 90s hardcore scene as well as he does. Respect. ANYWAYS, after waiting a hot minute for Vatican's debut EP, Drowning the Apathy Inside to drop..I found myself smiling as this gem of a Georgia band managed to be the closest thing to early Zao than I had heard since...well, since early Zao. That and some definite 108 tribute. I'm looking increasingly forward to seeing them play the Island in early December and watching them grow as a band. Party on.
  4. In Tongues; Tribunal Records put out a impressive roster in the early 2000's. With bands containing members who would go on to be in Between the Buried and Me, Dead To Fall, and Glass Casket just to name a few, the label was unstoppable for a number of years. Many of the bands were so connected member-wise that I sometimes joke that I could play seven degrees of Tommy Rogers with all the members. On that list, held 2 of my personal favorites in the more death metal/At the Gates style of metalcore Undying and Prayer For Cleansing. I truly believe Glasgow's In Tongues is Tribunal Records Catalog 2001: the band. Another solid release on Carry The Weight Records..This is a band that just to me is too good to be true. The whole dynamic is straight evil and their tone is just so barren and heavy, to the point where I want to sacrifice my neighbor to the dark lord Cthulhu and then kick back to some old ass Slayer DVDs. This is fighting music and in fact, the soundtrack to Armageddon. Or at least it should be. Also, they just this last week released a new record on bandfcamp titled Rituals of Failure and Ruin.

Honorable mention: Down In It.; My dear friend Shane Harris has been holding it down and paying it forward in both the North Carolina and South Carolina scene(s) for quite some time. Shane is a vegan straight edge kid who lives and breathes hardcore for hardcore and I seriously have the utmost respect for him. Hell, I wish I had the drive to not eat meat/animals anymore but I love a good steak way too much. Anyways, as anyone in that scene will tell you, Down in it. has paid their dues in the past few years playing any show that needs a band to jump on. Notoriously the NC scene is known for both xCatalystx and Tribunal Records bands such as the before mentioned Prayer For Cleansing, Day of Suffering, Undying, etc. so suffice to say they have a lot to live up to rep wise. I had listened to their earlier stuff and was interested, but not overly enthusiastic. So when Shane showed me the early Eighteen Visions rip shirt they were printing (see below)...I just had to hear the newer stuff. I had urged him that if they are going to do that rip, then it better friggin do it justice. And let me tell you, the new shit indeed speaks for itself. With ear-piercing dischords, 90's style spoken word parts, and even guest vocals from Old Wounds' Kevin Iavaroni, this is yet another great addition to that very sought after NC style. AND I can safely say they most definitely earn that rip.

That's it folks. A new top 5 in the ever popular genre of metalcore revival. It's almost 2 AM and I am entirely spent. Adieu. 

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