Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Nard Fest 3 Spotlight

This upcoming weekend is the third annual Nardfest. Nardfest is celebration of the Hardcore Punk subgenre Nardcore. For those who don’t know what Nardcore is its Hardcore music that came out of Oxnard area of California. Bands who are Nardcore are Aggression, Dr. Know, and RKL (Rich Kids on L.S.D.) The festival is celebrating thirty seven years of the sub genre. It takes place on August 29 and 30th. The venue for the festival is The Majestic Ventura Theater in St. Ventura, California. The lineup is mixed with the old school bands and also some of new school bands. This is defiantly a show you don’t want to miss.

August 29 Day One

Dr. Know, Excel, Nails, The Warriors (Reunion), Battalion of Saints, Retaliate, Stop Breathing (Record Release Show), Shattered Badge (Reunion).

August 30 Day Two

Ill Repute, Stalag 13, Aggression, Jughead’s Revenge (Reunion), Rikk Agnew, The Grim, Bad Samaritans, Dogends.

There are so pre-shows and after parties after the fest. The preshow is at Bombay in St. Ventura, California. After each day of the festival there will be a after show located at Sans Souci.

August 28 Preshow

Messenger, Mothers of Dissension, C.O.A., Maask, Out of Trust, DFMK, Loose Nerves, Conquer The Martians.

August 29 After show

False Confession, La Vasa, Infirmities.

August 30 After Show

The Phester Swollen Inexperience, S.R.A., All Blur.  


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