Wednesday, October 14, 2015

REVIEW- Rogue Taxidermy by Days N Daze

In the late August of 2013, one of the most entertaining albums in the folk punk genre was released.

Quite possibly one of the very few albums I will ever give a ten out of ten, Days N Daze's Rogue Taxidermy is absolute gold. The album artwork accurately represents what it sounds like; a mesh of different styles, sounds and influences sewn together into some kind of of odd, almost crude, but interesting piece. Rogue Taxidermy is classified as folk punk; but that is a misleading title. It's much angrier than what one thinks of when they hear the term "folk punk," and much more harsh. There's almost a hint of Descendent's in the content; a majority of the lyrics are about dissatisfaction with everyday life, anger towards a majority of society, disrespecting authority, and experiencing changes in life. 

If you are someone who enjoys clean, clear vocals, this album will not be for you. There are two vocalists- one female and one male. The female does have a lovely voice, but quite the juxtaposition when put next to the male vocals- high pitched, rugged, and harsh. When I heard the first track of this album, "Rockabilly Impending Deathfuture", I was not ready for what I was about to hear. What starts out as a few soft chords quickly turns into what can only be described as incredibly angry ska, with what almost sounds like mariachi music, and this man with a high pitched, cracking voice yelling- which then transitions into something that almost sounds bluesy. The album consists of sixteen similar tracks, but none that sound too alike to the point of repetition; again, there are songs featuring the female vocalist as well. Though this album is long, it is well worth the listen. It sounds like something you could dance to in a dive bar in a hipster part of Brooklyn or day drink on your couch to alone, and the lyrical content could fit either of those situations. Congratulations, Days N Daze. Ten out of ten.

Days N Daze is a DIY band from Texas. Rogue Taxidermy is available on Bandcamp for fifty cents and on various other streaming sites and online music stores.

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