Saturday, October 24, 2015

REVIEW: Deforesters S/T

Just the other day, a Toronto band by the name of Deforesters put out a self titled with four tracks on it. I came across this release by doing my daily search through bandcamp's new releases and overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how good this release is. Deforesters is a four piece act, and totally for fans of The Bouncing Souls, Beach Slang and even Bruce Springsteen. I also pick up alot of vibes from bands like Living With Lions and Polar Bear Club at least vocally.
 Sonically this release is totally, as one of my staff put it, Bouncing Souls worship and I can't say that is a bad thing at all for this band. The riffs are phenomenal, with some really catchy leads and solos. The basstone is nice, and also follows up really well with the rest of the accompaniment. The drums are solid, with a really catchy beat and overall.
 Vocally, this release is strong, coming in with some very raspy punk rock vocals, in the light of bands like Bouncing Souls, Living with Lions ect. It's a style I personally really dig, especially when it's done right. The whole sound put together is something you can totally get energetic to, and I could imagine people stage diving and getting up in the vocalist's face to shout the words to. I could also totally see this release as a great drinking anthem if you are into that, or even just a great soundtrack for a party.
 I think, that overall this is a really great release, and you should totally pick it up off of bandcamp if you get the chance because you certainly won't regret it.


Pick up the release for free on bandcamp!

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