Sunday, October 4, 2015

Lydia, Seahaven,Turnover, and The Technicolors at Gramercy Theatre 10/01/15

Last Thursday I attend a concert at the Gramercy Theatre seeing Lydia, Seahaven, Turnover, and The Technicolors. This was my first time seeing all of the bands expect Turnover. I was mostly there for Turnover. Gramercy Theatre is a New York City venue for all reader who does not know and it is not really one of my favorite venues in NYC. This venue was a little weird for the show in my opinion Webster Hall having this show would probably be better. 
            The first band of the night was The Technicolors. The Technicolor is an Indie rock band from Phoenix, AZ. They took the stage and I thought they were too generic.  Generic as in they sounded like every Indie band after Arctic Monkeys. The only thing I liked about this band was the rhythm section. The bass and drums were on point besides that every else was all done before. If you are into band that still think 2005-2008 is relevant by all means this band is for you.
            The next band that was up next was Turnover. Turnover is an Emo/Shoegaze band from Virginia, Beach. This was my second time seeing them and they were a lot better than the first time. The last time I gave them a review I dislike them a lot but this before the album Peripheral Vision came out. The band had a great set and not really a lot of people singing along. They sounded really good and probably were the best band of the night. I wish they actually headline and played the entire album but they played six songs. I can’t wait to see this band again and I would to see them headline a show which that would be cool.
            Up next was Seahaven. Seahaven is a sad band from LA. I never really got into this band and I know they have a soft element with the way they play their music. At first I was really getting them and I love the singer’s voice. The band was overall was good. The only I didn’t like is seeing three guitar players. This will forever bug me out seeing three guitar players on stage. Plus the band all had the same jeans and shirts which was interesting. I thought Seahaven was cool and there were a lot of people singing along. Seahaven put on a good set.  
            Lydia was the final band of the night and they put on some crazy lighting for the set. The entire they played on a shadowy stage with stars lights in the band. It was probably the coolest thing I ever seen. The setting fit perfect with the music. Lydia is a Indie band from Gilbert, Arizona. They had a mix of Emo/Indie rock. The music I really did not care and they played a lot of new material. This band has been around for most of the 00’s and the crowd seemed half empty which I thought was weird. Overall the show didn’t do well with ticket sales and I guess not a lot of people care for Lydia.
Lydia- 7/10
Seehaven- 8.5/10
Turnover- 10/10
The Technicolors- 6/10
Gramercy Theatre- 8/10

Overall Concert- 7.75/10   

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