Thursday, March 31, 2016

My list of skramz releases you really should listen to

So, as some of you may know, I love me some skramz, the emotionally charged, dread inspiring sound that it gives off, the emotional instrumentals and all that really get me going. Here are some really good records I've come across in my listening to the genre, so I figured I'd share some. These are not ranked in any particular order.

1.Lizards Have Personalities ¡Silencio, Ahora, Silencio! Todos Caeran Book Of Caverns 4 way split        

Lizards have Personalities is one of my more recent finds, and I've absolutely become enamored with their sound. This split is great through and through, and every band on it does a phenomenal job, but I'm particularly fond of the first track, which has a really haunting riff once it picks up in speed.

2.  7" EP by Gattaca

Gattaca is a Czech band with really strong animal liberation and anarchist themes, and another recent find which I can really, really dig. This 7" is a good release from them, and my favorite track off of it is probably Hymny, Vlajky, Uniformy which translates to Anthems, Flags, Uniforms

3. Riala by Suis La Lune

Suis la Lune is a Swedish band who are signed to Topshelf Records, and not a recent find but a recommendation from a friend. This whole record from start to finish is a cacophony of emotion and sadness, a definite listen.

4. Jokes by Kidcrash

A recent find, Kidcrash is a New Mexico based band that I discovered through Youtube recommendations, a definite solid record.

5. Funeral Diner- The Underdark

Oh boy, Funeral Diner is sad as hell, this record is sad

6. Saetia- A Retrospective

7. Hot Cross- Cryonics


Monday, March 21, 2016

The Great Big Susiepalooza Comp Vol. 1 and why it's the coolest thing ever.

Ok, so just about a year ago, this blog attended a small, DIY festival called Susiepalooza. Our good friend James Boss put it together for his late neighbor who passed away from Pancreatic Cancer, The festival itself had a HUGE turnout, and raised a substantial amount of money for the Lustgarten Foundation for Cancer Research. We were more than proud, not only to attend and cover the festival by doing an interview with one of the main acts on the bill, but also to sponsor the event to a small degree. At that same festival, we were given early word that a compilation was in the works, featuring a number of acts that we are all familiar with. Now, a year later, we can finally report on the comp in its final form. Coming out on Friday, March 25th, the Great Big Susiepalooza Comp Vol. 1 will be out for the public for purchase for a mere 5 dollars. Proceeds will go to the Lustgarten Foundation and the track listing will be listed below, and boy oh boy, is it out of this world. Susiepalooza was started in July 2015 after the passing of Sue Marchetti, the comp's organizer's neighbor. Sue battled pancreatic cancer and passed away from the disease in the winter of 2014. A benefit show was held in honor of her and was comprised of local bands from Long Island, New York. The show was a huge success and over $3000 was raised for The Lustgarten Foundation. This year, the organizers of Susiepalooza hope to make this year's show even bigger and better and they hope to exceed their previous goal. This compilation CD is a step towards making this happen. 

1. Modern Baseball - ... And Beyond
2. Beach Slang - Bad Art And Weird Ideas
3. Shorebreak - Around
4. Everyone Leaves - Tired Life
5. Abandon All Ships - Loafting
6. Call It Home - Damage
7. Varials - Ether
8. Grayscale - Palette 
9. Gin War - Cement
10. Havenfield - Tangle
11. Stories Untold - Things Change
12. The Obsessives - Daisy
13. Half Hearted - Sold Soul
14. Make Them Suffer - Fake
15. Change Is - Loss (feat. Devin MacGillivray)
16. Begin Again - i ws nvr yr grlfrnd
17. Hymn - Sleeping Bag
18. Hot Mulligan - Shaylee, Shanel
19. Kevin Burke - Don't Let It Be True
20. Degrader - Dead Presidents (feat. South African Prince)
21. Mutiny Abroad - Hides
22. Best Kept Secret - Stormy Weather
23. Nice Shot, Kid - Cornered
24. Convictions - The Dahlia Disease
25. Newcomer -Slag
26. I, Awake - Heart/Home
27. Drop The Act - Stay Close
28. Gottem - Hopeless Romantic
29. Bad Year - Roots (feat. Jeremy Hunter)
30. Dismissed - Empty Home (feat. Kevin Lacerda)
31. In Honor Of - The Pressure
32. Superheaven - I've Been Bored
33. Whittled Down - Blooming
34. Discolor - Hand To Mend
35. Lacuna Ink - Only In Dreams
36. Waterparks - Night Maps (feat. Fred Mascherino)
37. A Wake In Providence - Black Mass (feat. Dickie Allen)
38. Artisan - Content
39. Outbreak Xero - Crossover
40. Depressant - Descent Of The Snowbird
41. Alumni - Calling Home
42. Fossil Youth - From The Window
43. Overcomer - Faces (In My Head)
44. Great Grief - Knives 
45. Trace Your Steps - Animal (Creature Of Habit)
46. Makeshift - Someone Like Me
47. Chucky Hugh - Silhouettes And Sunsets
48. An Old Friend - Fragments And Blurs
49. Head North - Redwood
50. Post Modern - July
51. Better Days - Hard To Love
52. The Magic Fountain - Mr. Kramer 
53. It Lives, It Breathes - Got No Time
54. Table Talk - Promotion
55. Catlike - Deli Rose
56. Quinn Cicala - Gracious
57. Northbound - Leech
58. Sam Pollet - Split Ends
59. Monuments - Atlas
60. Shiffley - Ships
61. Craig Boiarsky - See
62. Varsity - Risen
63. Nobody's Babe - Billy Joel
64. Arkham - Youngblood
65. Chase Huglin - Your New Boy
66. Pentimento - Sink Or Swim

Some of these bands we've covered, in one way or another, and it's really freaking sick that a friend put together such a momumentous thing. This shows that the scene cares, and is willing to put in work for things it believes in. The reaction has been astounding, and we here at Patrician Music Reviews are proud to the ends of the earth of James and his team's accomplishments. So please, if you have the time, and the money, we here at PMR implore you to purchase the comp, not only because all the bands featured are sick as heck, but also because it goes to a great cause and we can only imagine how much of a great reaction this will get.

Rock on James, DIY FOREVER!!!

Pick up the comp here, currently for preorder, but out on Friday, the 25th!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Album Review & Interview-Death Hounds

Our site has never done both an interview and a review of a release at the same time but the members of Death Hounds were so cooperative that we decided to include this interview segment, in addition to our review of their ep "Silence The Music of Life".



Death Hounds is a metalcore band hailing from The Netherlands, consisting of former members from As Enemies Arise, Through the Struggle and This is History.
"Silence The Music of Life" is the band's first official release, and while only featuring four tracks it spans numerous metal subgenres.
There are numerous atmospheric elements and a tinge of black metal on certain tracks but overall this album is perhaps best defined as a metalcore record (and a damn heavy one at that).
Despite only having four songs the ep has a focused intensity throughout it. The records dark themes and heavy sound helps to distinguish them.
The vocals are also quite impressive, and somewhat similar to that of Bring Me The Horizons vocalist Oliver Sykes. Conceptually, the band deals with dark themes covering life and death.
Having all been in bands previously, they have a very wide range of influences. Overall, given how early in their career the band is this is a good starting point. If you're looking for a kick-ass up and coming metal band I would highly recommend Death Hounds.

Overall Rating: 4/5
Highlight Track: Cloven Tongues: Hiss Me Into Madness.


1. Alright so to start this interview, let's get some basic questions
out of the way. What are each of your names and what instrument do you

Sander Jeurissen - Drums, Maarten Müskens - Bass, Jasper Jansen - Guitar, Barend Geijsen - Guitar, Jordy Vanetie - Vocals

2. So what are each of your favorite bands?

Sander - Gojira Maarten - Killswitch Engage Jasper - Foals Barend - Thrice Jordy - Opeth

3. Tell me a bit about where you guys were raised and how you first met.

I first spoke with Barend when I was getting a sandwich in the sandwich store where he used to work at that time. I played with Barend in an other band for 3 years.
I met Barend & Maarten for the first time around 5 or 6 years ago I think, when I was still playing guitar in a band called Jacky Heretic. I probably first spoke with Maarten when our bands played a show together. Jordy: Me and Sander were both raised in a small town called Ewijk, we first met when we were very young, I can't even remember.

4. What made you guys want to start a metal band, especially one with
such a heavy sound?

Jordy: I wanted to start a band that would leave people shivering and deeply thinking about the concept behind Death Hounds.

5. Did any bands in particular influence you?

Jordy: There are really tons of bands who have direct and indirect effect on our sound, but I think it's safe to say that bands like Opeth, Gojira and Oceana (a GREAT American band that sadly doesn't exist anymore) have inspired me greatly in creating Death Hounds.

6. What were your family/friend's thoughts when they found out about
the band? Were they supportive or against it?

Jordy: My friends were really supportive. My family to, but from a distance, since the concept is so dark most of my family members got a bit freaked out by it.

7. Who writes lyrics primarily? What are some of the things that
inspired you to write said lyrics?

Jordy: I write all the lyrics. My greatest inspiration is how fragile the human mind actually is, I believe that there are a lot of things in live that can make a 'perfectly normal' man 'completely insane'.

8. What gear do you guys use?
Barend: Our guitar players both use a peavy 6505 head. The Peavy is ideal for a thick heavy sound. Combined with a Fender
Telecaster and a custom Les Paul it gives an open, deep sound for all sorts of accents in our music. For effects we use a delay pedals, tubescreamers and volume pedals. Our bass player uses an Ibanez bass
with a hartke amp. To get his nasty sound he uses a bass overdrive pedal.

9. What are some of the things you've been hearing from people about the ep?
Jordy: That it is haunting and that it leaves a feverish impact on some people.

Barend: People seem to love the heavy sound and 'feel' the atmosphere we want to bring into the songs. It's quiet different in comparison of what they've heard before.

10. What's the meaning of the ep's title?

Jordy: 'Silence The Music Of Life' means 'One's morbid need of ending life itself'. The songs on the ep contain subjects like direct/indirect suicide and murder in different situations that happen a lot nowadays.

11. What would you guys class yourself as in terms of genre?

Jordy: Metal. Just really dark and depressing Metal.

12. Would you guys ever want to play in the US if given the chance?

Jordy: If the chance is given, YES.

13. For the last question, where do you guys see yourselves going from
here? What are your future plans?

Jordy: Recording more music, playing more great shows in and outside Europe and hopefully meet more people that like the music that we make.

And that's that, make sure to check out their music. I hope you all enjoyed the review!

Monday, March 7, 2016

REVIEW- Life's Tight by ILL EFFECT

Bandcamp surf time! Today's find is a Raleigh based Hardcore outfit called Ill Effect, a band that's only been around for seemingly a short time. They just released their first release entitled Life's Tight and from a quick listen, I can totally get down with this. To start, the instrumentals are super tight, and easy to move to. The riffs are solid with no audible skips or anything like that, and the overall vibe I get is that of King Nine, Living Laser and a few other bands from around our area of the country and this release is totally for fans of that. The Drums are solid as well, and give for a great two step beat on some tracks. I could definately see this band rocking a hardcore show in New York and people really getting into it. Vocally, this release is also very King Nine laden, but in its own way at the same time. Nothing inherently special but they're good none the less, enjoyable for sure. Finally, the lyrical material is typical of hardcore and definately does not stand out but I won't nitpick on that. But I can say that it is for sure not for somebody trying to REALLY connect with the lyrics in my opinion. They're agressive, political and I'll even admit, relatable to those who are very political much like myself.

Overall, this release is a solid 7/10, and I'm excited to hear more from this act in the future.

Listen and purchase(if you'd like) here

Friday, March 4, 2016

Review: Jukai Devioid of Hope

Jukais Devoid of Hope is the latest EP from the Long Island metalcore/harcore band. This is the bands first E.P. with the bands new vocalist but there is no diminishing quaility in this release in fact its better than ever. This band takes a lot of influence from bands such as Disembodied and On Broken Wings. Devoid of Hope is the best material this band has put out an ass beater from start to finish great vocals instrumentals are all on point. You can just feel the anger and emotion in the vocals and the instrumentals just beat you down.
9/10 Amazing Record