Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Two Shows at AMH 9/27/15

             Last Sunday, I attended two shows at Amityville Music Hall aka AMH. The first show was a Punk Rock Matinee that featured the legendary Punk band D.O.A. with the openers In The Whale and The Avoiders. The Other show was Soda Bomb, Lee Corey Oswald, Petal Head, Figure Eight and Casanova.
The First Show
            The first band of this show was The Avoiders. The Avoiders are a Punk band from Long Island. I walked into their set after their first song and saw people moshing for them. There were only three people but it like they were having a great time in the pit. The crowd was maybe twenty people but the Avoiders were really good. They had that 1980’s Hardcore Punk sound. The band members looked like them came from that era. Overall they had a good set and had a really good sound.
            The next band In The Whale blew me away. This band is from Denver, Colorado and they are a duo. At first I had my jaw drop because how amazing they were. They mix the sound of 68’ and The White Stripes with more Punk, Blues, and Stoner Rock.  The Guitarist pedal board was amazing. It was huge and his guitar was plugged in with a bass. These two guys absolute killed it and I think the crowd didn’t know what was going on. I love every second of it. In The Whale was the best band of the first show and I totally see this band again. If these guys jam with 68’ the world will explode. If this band comes to your town don’t miss out.
            The Legendary Punk Rock band D.O.A. was up next and they played a killer set. D.O.A. is from Canada and probably the best band ever from Canada. D.O.A. played about twenty songs. They had a little bit of a crowd reaction which I thought was weird but then again there goes Long Island again for not going crazy for bands. The night before they played NYC and that was probably a better show. Overall D.O.A. was great especially since they’ve been a band for over thirty years and all nice guys especially Joey Shithead the vocalist. You’re missing out if you haven’t seen this band because they are Punk rock legends and probably the biggest Punk band from Canada.
The Second Show
            The opening band for the second show was Casanova. Casanova is a local Long Island rock band that has a female vocalist. Their style of music is a cross between Weezer, Turnover, and My Bloody Valentine. Their set was only four songs but each song besides their cover of “Moshi Moshi” by Brand New sounded like the bands I mention before. The music takes on a 90’s approach but strays from a generic sound. Casanova was the most impressive band of the night until Lee Corey Oswald took the stage and this was my fifth time seeing them. Each time I see them they get tighter and tighter as band. Check them out if you ever get the chance you don’t want to miss out.
            The next band was actually a solo performance called Figure Eight. Figure Eight is actually a band from Long Island it’s just the lead singer was there playing solo. The material was okay. Acoustic acts are okay but I felt I heard the same song over and over again. Maybe if the band played instead of the acoustic solo set I probably would have enjoyed it. Hopefully the next time I’m going to a show I see them with a full band.
            Petal Head was up next. Petal head is a Long Island shoegaze band. They were nice and loud. The probably I had wasn’t the fact you couldn’t here the vocals it was more the fact every song sounded the same. It felt like I was watching Nothing performing “Bent Nail” which is my favorite song but after two songs it kind of got repetitive. Overall they were okay and it’s cool seeing a band from Long Island that is shoegaze not Pop-Punk or Emo.
            Up next was Lee Corey Oswald. This was my second time seeing this Portland, Oregon Popish Punk band. The first time I saw them for a few songs at this year Vans Warped Tour. Seeing them AMH was great and they put on a great show. Lee Corey Oswald are really cool people and they played great. They played a lot of song off of their LP and played some new songs that they will begin to record after the tour. I love the fact that these guys had a lot of fun playing onstage. I wish they were more people there to see this band because they are a great band people need to see them.
            The last band of the day was up which was Soda Bomb. This was my fourth time seeing this Long Island Rock band. Soda Bomb brings a geeky Weezer sound with some Grunge and modern Punk. Soda Bomb is a great live band. This time around the fans didn’t really seem to be really for them compare to the last time I saw them. Soda Bomb put on a great set and I always love seeing this band ever since I saw them at Spring Mixtape opening up for Title Fight. Soda Bomb is probably one of the band local bands right now on Long Island. You’re messing up big time if you haven’t seen them yet.
Soda Bomb- 9/10
Lee Corey Oswald- 10/10
Petal Head- 7.5/10
Figure Eight- 5/10
Casanova- 10/10
Show 2- 8.5/10
D.O.A.- 9/10
In The Whale- 10/10
The Avoiders- 8.5/10
Show 1- 8/10
AMH- 9/10

Overall Day- 9/10 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Madball, The Greenery, Eternal Sleep, Living Laser, and Mutiny Aboard at AMH 9/25/15

Last Friday the legendary NYHC band Madball Return to Long Island. This was their first stop of the tour with The Greenery and Eternal Sleep. The show was located at Amityville Music Hall aka AMH which has become the ultimate hot spot for hardcore shows on Long Island.  This show was not sold out which I can’t stand because this is a legendary hardcore band and everyone should come out for this but it is what it is.
The opener was the only Long Island band on this bill. Mutiny Aboard took the stage and right off the bat I knew they didn’t belong on this show. I give them credit because they were different but seeing a band that copies Every Time I Die playing with Madball is weird. This band is for fan of ETID, Glassjaw, and The Chariot. I didn’t hate them or love them I just was not into them. They were good at what they do but they didn’t do anything special for me. The crowd didn’t seem to be interested at all.          
Living Laser was up and they blew away Mutiny Aboard. This was my second time seeing this upstate NYHC band. They were a lot better this time around. I wasn’t a fan the first time I saw them last year. Living Laser was my favorite band of the night because they set was raw. They really remind me of Leeway and people were going off to them. Living Laser should be bigger because they are so great. They only played like five or six songs. I wish they played a longer set because they were a lot of fun. I don’t know why I dislike them the first time I saw them but now I’m a huge fan.
Eternal Sleep was up and was the heaviest band of the night. They are from Pittsburg, PA and part of the Deathwish Family. This is was my second time seeing them and I enjoyed them a lot compare to seeing them at Back To School Jam. The set was better at AMH but the mosh game was weak. Back To School Jam had a stronger mosh game but the band played well. I like them a lot this around. It sucked that no one was moshing for this band because Eternal Sleep got some gnarly riffs that make people want to kill. Once again Long Island stuck with the weak mosh pit.
The second to last band of the night was The Greenery. The Greenery is from Long Beach, CA and didn’t bring anything to the table. They really bored me and the set was okay. I’m surprise Madball brought this band out on their tour because they’re heavy but not really enjoyable.

Finally Madball took the stage. This was my fourth time seeing them and seeing them at this small venue was something special. Madball played probably like twenty songs from new to old. I think this was the longest set I’ve ever seen them play. Plus the pit was insane because people were really going hard. At one point people were crowd killing to them and I thought that was really weird. Overall Madball had a great set and if you missed them well that’s your fault. If you haven’t seen them yet you need to do something about that because Madball is a great live band.  
Madball- 9/10
The Greeney- 5/10
Eternal Sleep- 8/10
Living Laser- 10/10
Mutiny Aboard- 6/10
AMH- 9/10
Overall Concert- 8.5/10

Fall Tours

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Jesus and Mary Chain and The Black Ryder at Terminal 5 9/24/15

             Last Thursday The Jesus and Mary Chain played the first two nights at Terminal 5 celebrating their 30thanniversary of their album Psycho Candy. This was my first time seeing them and I was excited to finally see this band. What I’m really surprise about this show is that these shows were not sold out. Terminal 5 is one of my favorite venues in the city and I knew this was going to be a good show.

            The opening band was The Black Ryder. The Black Ryder is a Shoegaze/Drone band and is from Australia. Usually I hate opening bands that play slow but this was different. This band was something else and they put their perspective on shoegaze. There were three singers one was a guy and the rest were women. The Guy’s mic sounded like it was distorted which I thought that was really cool. The played a good set and the crowd seemed to be into them.  Out of any openers I’ve seen for a legendary alternative band I thought they were the best.

            The Jesus and Mary Chain took the stage and played two sets. The first set was a seven song set featuring some of their hits after the Psycho Candy. The crowd seemed to like it but half of that crowd looked like they were just there to drink. I really hated the crowd because it seems that not everybody was into them or didn’t know any of the songs being played. Once they finish that set they moved on to the album. Before starting again they left the crowd dark which I thought was weird. It was just five minutes of darkness which I thought was weird but then you heard the drum beat for “Just like Honey”. They stared the album and the front looked crazy. There was a somewhat of a pit but it was just a bunch of fans jumping up and down and pushing each other during this set. I thought it was weird because I didn’t expect people to push-pit for this band but hey it was all in good fun. If you miss this show and tour you messed up because it was to see this album played in its entirety. If The Jesus and Mary Chain come around again don’t miss out.

The Jesus and Mary Chain- 10/10

The Black Ryder- 9/10

Terminal 5- 10/10

Over Concert- 9/10

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Joyce Manor, Cheap Girls, and Tracks at Webster Hall 9/19/15

             Two Saturdays ago I got the chance to see Joyce Manor. They played at Webster Hall in the Grand Ballroom with Tracks and Cheap Girls. Webster Hall is one of my favorite venues in the city. Some of you might think this weird because I’m straight edge and I would protest against this band but I like them either way. Issues like that don’t bother me. Besides that the crowd for this show was quite diverse like the time I saw Teen Suicide. I saw Punks, Crustys, Pride people, White Collar People, and every race you can think about. Joyce Manor brings all which is great because they really aree a good band and there should not be only one group of people listening to this band.
            The First band of the night was Tracks. Tracks are from New Hemisphere and they were nothing special at all. I really hate when the opening band is boring. I get the fact you don’t want the crowd to go off for them but it sucks because the music was generic. I hated the sound and it sounded like Emo influenced Country music. The band was putting me asleep and I was annoyed because of this. I was not the only one who was not into this band because you could hear people just talking throughout their. Overall Tracks was a very boring band and I don’t recommended seeing them.
            The next band was Cheap Girls. Cheap Girls is an Indie/Power Pop band from Lansing, Michigan. I truly though this band was from Brooklyn because I see they play NY a lot and I also thought they were a garage rock band. They were four piece band and the lead singer had an acoustic guitar. The sound was okay and they were a lot better than Tracks. Their songs had a better pace than Tracks. I felt they were a little overrated and they really weren’t the band I expected. Their music reminded me a mix of Gin Blossom, Goo Goo Dolls, and Weezer. Overall they were an okay band.
            Finally Joyce Manor took the stage. Joyce Manor is Popish Punk band from Torrance, California. The first they played the crowd went ape-shit. The night before I saw Rancid and the craziness I saw there happen at Joyce Manor. There was all of all these people moshing, crowd surfing, and singing on top of each other. I could not believe what I was seeing it was absolutely crazy. They played like eighteen song and each song people were ecstatic. If this show was no barricades, this show would have been on a whole other level. Seriously I’m mad I never saw this band before Saturday especially the fact they are a fun band to watch. If you haven’t seen this band you are missing out big time.
Joyce Manor- 10/10
Cheap Girls- 7.75/10
Tracks- 5/10
Webster Hall- 9/10
Overall Concerts- 9/10

Friday, September 25, 2015

TRACK REVIEW- Brought to the Water by Deafheaven

Ah Deafheaven, arguably one of my favorite acts out there right now. Following them since Sunbather, and discovering Roads to Judah and their demo shortly after that, I'd say that I've gotten myself fairly familiar with their material. Loved by many for their normalizing of black metal by adding to it elements of post rock, shoe gaze and other genres completely outside the realm of metal. It showed by Sunbather becoming an album of the year for many including myself, and earning Deafheaven a spot of fame. They're also hated by some for the same reasons, so called "elitists and purists" who would rather see grainy basement recordings of people screaming about woods and forests than something new.
  Recently however, Deafheaven released Brought to the Water, a track off of their upcoming(though already streamed through NPR) release entitled New Bermuda. At first I was stoked to hear that they were creating new material, but upon listening to it I was enamored with how it sounded. Dirtier without any loss of technical skill. It's almost like the band themselves took offense to being called "not black metal"
Regardless of fanbase or purist hate, this band has done something amazing to their sound that I would say surpasses Sunbather as a record in some aspects. Production wise this record is dirtier, yet has its incredibly clean parts where its more post rock than anything else. And the fact that it goes from blast beats to ambient tremolo picking is something phenomenal. The riffs are absolutely stunning and flow well through the whole track. The drums are exceptional, as always on Deafheaven tracks and overall everything just sounds great.
 Vocally, the new style that George(vocals) is taking is I think being well received by fans, going based upon what I've heard from friends who are fans as well as fans on the internet. It's far more "black metal" than previously heard on Sunbather or Roads or even their demo for that matter. But I think it fits very well with the new turn that this record is taking and I personally really dig how the vocals are more annunciatied now and more audible in my opinion than they were on Sunbather.

Overall, this track is phenomenal, and I'd feel bad giving it anything less than a 9/10, and I can't to be able to fully review the record upon it's full release.


Listen here

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Upcoming Shows 9/25/15-10/01/15

Here's another week of shows we would you like to check out. These shows are in the Tri-State Area.
September 25
1. AMH- Madball, The Greenery, Eternal Sleep, Living Laser, Mutiny Aboard.
2. Warsaw- The Kills, U.S. Girls.
3. The Bowery Ballroom- Built To Spill, Crosss, Clarke and The Himselfs.
4. Terminal 5- The Jesus and Mary Chain, The Black Ryder.
5. Rough Trade NYC- Chvrches.
6. Shillelugh Tavern- Dennis Most and The Instigators, Jones Crushers, Skum City, Eleventh Hour.  
7. Shea Stadium- Heaven's Gate, Palberta, Sleepies, and B Boys.
8. Warren American Legion- The Banner, Old Wounds, Swamps, Go Deep, Threat 2 Society, Choke.
9. The Silent Barn- The Homewreckers, IDES, Lady Bizness, Flabite, Bitch Tits.
10. Sinclair's Pub- The Turbo A.C.'S, Two Man Advantages, Urban Waste, Out Live Death, Buying Time, Radio Daze.
11. Brooklyn Café- PUS, The Abductors, Ache, Contempt, Spite, Ma$e.
12. Fuze Box- ACxDC, Neutron Rats, Maniac, Forgery, Dialysis.
13. The Chance- Doyle, Dr. Death, Vision Serpent, Martyr Art.
September 26
1. Webster Hall- FIDLAR, Dune Rats.
2. The Marlin Room at Webster Hall- Good Riddance, Off With Their Heads, Iron Chic.
3. The Gramercy Theatre- Ash.
4. Brooklyn Bowl- Built To Spill, Crosss, Clarke and The Himselfs.
5. The Capital Theatre- Cheap Trick.
6. Riis Park Beach Bazaar- Perfect Pussy, Show Me The Body, Guerrilla Toss, Pawns, Ghost Dead. 
7. Shea Stadium- Darlings, Flower Girl, Lightning Bug, CVS At Night.
8. The Bowery Electric- D.O.A., In The Whale, Gotham City Mashers, Sickwait.
9. ABC No Rio- Heavy negatives, Anika Pyle of Chumped, One Handed Bandits, Daphne.
10. Cake Shop- Drella, Ordinary Things, Femmepire, C'yotes.
11. Backroom Studios- The Skulx, Will Wood and The Tapeworms, Comb The Desert, Frogg Party.
12. The Pulaski Club- FoxFires, Foreign Tongues, Tri-State Era, Yung Pacemaker, Down With Rent.
13. The Grand Victory- The Last Throes, Before The End, Doziac.
September 27
1. AMH- Lee Corey Oswald, Soda Bomb, Petal Head, Figure Eight, Casanova.
2. Saint Vitus Bar- Candiria, Netherlands, Go Deep, Primitive Weapons.
3. The Gramercy Theatre- Norma Jean, The Ongoing Concept, Sleepwave, 68'.
4. Music Hall of Williamsburg- They Might Be Giants, Apollo 18, Dial-A-Song, TBA.
5. The Acheron- Unknown To God, The Brass, Chud.
6. Shea Stadium- Guerrilla Toss, Mannequin Pussy, Nine of Sword, Nonsense.
7. AMH- D.O.A., In The Whale, The Avoiders, Nerves End.
8. The Bowery Electric- Abigail Williams, Today Is The Day, Trenchfoot, Throaat.
9. The Silent Barn- Adult Mom, Freya Wilcox & The Howl, Out of System Transfer, Absinthe Rose, Possum.
10. The Silent Barn- PWR BTTM, Discipline, Manic Pixi, Chondria.
11. Leftfield NYC- The Skulx, El Silver Cabs, The Dandy Lions.
12. The Grand Victory- Hudson Falcons, Two Fisted Law, Lost In Society, Enziguri, Avenue Rockers, Hopeless Otis, Posers, In Circles, Kyle Trocolla.   
13. Asbury Lanes- Good Riddance, Off With Their Heads, Iron Chic.
14. Riis Park Bazaar- The So So Glos, Nude Beach, Mannequin Pussy, Big Eyes, Bueno, Bikini Carwash.
15. Pier 94- Front 242, Youth Code, High-Functioning Flesh, Pure Ground.
September 28
1. Saint Vitus Bar- Lee Corey Oswald, Soda Bomb.
2. Irving Plaza- Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls, Skinny Lister, Beans on Toast.
3. The Capital Theatre- Tears For Fears.
4. The Grand Victory- Arrabio, Ache, Adictox, Bastard Clan.
September 29
1. Irving Plaza- Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls, Skinny Lister, Beans on Toast. 
2. Saint Vitus Bar- Maruta, Yautiga, Pyrrhon. MotherBrain.
3. Summerstage Central Park- Chvrches, Mansionair.
4. Rough Trade NYC- Frank Turner.
5. Shea Stadium- American Wrestlers, Zula, Doubting Thomas Cruise Control, Painted Zeros.
6. Terminal 5- Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Samura Labelski.  
September 30
1. Irving Plaza- Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls, Skinny Lister, Beans on Toast.  
2. Music Hall of Williamsburg- Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Samura Labelski.
3. The Bell House- Reigning Sound, TBA.  
October 1
1.  Lydia, Seaheaven, Turnover, and The Technicolors.
2. Shea Stadium- Fern Mayo, Arm Candy, Peaer, Washer.
3. Gamechanger World- Madball, The Greenery, Eternal Sleep.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Rancid, H2O, and The Interrupters at Terminal 5

Last Friday Rancid played their second and final sold out show at Terminal 5. Rancid is legendary 90’s Punk rock that has some classic punk rock roots mix with some ska influences. Rancid was only playing four shows on this tour with H2O and The Interrupters and this was the last day of the short tour. This was my first time seeing Rancid. Terminal 5 was where the show was located. I’m not at this venue a lot but it’s one of my favorites in New York City.                                                                 The opener of the night was the Interrupters. The Interrupters are a Ska Punk band from Los Angeles. They are four piece and they are female fronted. The three guys in the group dress up like the Specials or someone who listens to British 2Tone music. They were great and a lot of people were into them. Plus their song had a skanking pit which was a lot of fun. Ska bands are the best because Ska shows aren’t suppose to be violent. The Interrupters I could totally see again and they were perfect to open up the show with. The best part was when they covered Operation Ivy “Sound System”. Great song and they covered it well.

            Up next New York own H2O. This was my second time seeing H2O and I was expecting a good reaction. Even though this was a Punk Rock shows there still were a lot of hardcore fans there. H2O went off and the crowd just ate it up. Terminal 5 has barricades but it was a lot better than the time I saw them without barricades. I feel NYC cares more about this band than Long Island. H2O set was made up of a lot of old and classic tunes. They also played some new songs which sounded really good. Overall the band played a very good set and they really got the crowd amped for Rancid.

            After 11 years I finally get to see Rancid. The one punk band I’ve been waiting to see forever and I finally got the chance. Rancid are from the Bay Area, California. Rancid took the stage and the place erupted once they started to play. I was towards the back I somehow ended up in the front within ten seconds. I was like what this is amazing. It was just like the craziness I saw at Rise Against in Central Park. There was two pits going on at Terminal 5 and people crowd surfing. Absolute chaos but it’s a Punk show which usually are the best pits to be in. Most of Rancid set was off of …And Out Comes the Wolves. When they played “Fall Back Down” I lost it because that’s the song that got me into them. The only problem I had with this set is that they didn’t play “Red Hot Moon” otherwise this was a 10 out 10 performances. Hopefully soon I’ll get another chance to see them again because this show was amazing. Seriously Rancid is probably one of the best Punk bands out there.

Rancid- 10/10

H2O- 9.5/10

The Interrupters- 9/10

Terminal 5- 10/10

Overall Concert- 10/10




Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Adicts, Reverend Horton Heat, and The Creepshow at Stage 48 9/17/15

            Last Thursday I saw two legendary bands of their own genre. One was the Adicts who are a heavy influential British punk band from the 70’s & 80’s. The other was Reverend Horton Heat is probably the biggest band from the Rockabilly revival era besides the Stray Cats. Also they had one opening which was The Creepshow. The show was taken place at Stage 48. Stage 48 is in New York City on West 48st. The venue was basically a night club that has concert from time to time. It was nothing special I believe the cap was over 500 maybe. It’s an okay venue but the sound system was very good.

            The Creepshow was the opening act of the night. The Creepshow are a Psychobilly/Rockabilly band from Canada. This is my first time ever seeing a Rockabilly band so I was pretty pump. I really didn’t know what to expect because I never seen this type of music before live. The Creepshow took the stage and actual had some of a fan base at this show. People were singing along and there was a little mosh pit for them. The band sounded really cool and I like the fact that they had a female vocalist. For my first ever Rockabilly they were pretty good.

            Up next was the legendary Reverend Horton Heat. Reverend Horton Heat are from Dallas, Texas they bring back that old style of 50’s Rock n Roll and fresh it up with some Punk rock aggression. These guys are probably in their 50’s or 60’s but they sure know how to bring the house down. A pit broke out but it’s wasn’t a mosh pit but a bunch of people dancing like it was the 1950’s. Watching this going was something else because people were having grand old time. The band even did a “Johnny Be Goode” cover. Reverend Horton Heat was amazing and they played for an hour which I didn’t expect but I like it a lot.

            The Adicts took the stage after their introduction was being played. Their intro is the main song from the movie A Clockwork Orange. The Adicts are a legendary Punk band from England and that take a lot of imagery from A Clockwork Orange. They dress like the gang members but also look like mimes. The lead singer is actually is the one who goes full on makeup. Band started to play and everyone went off. A lot of people were moshing and jumping on each other. People were crowding and all of the norms that you would see at a Punk show. The Adicts was something else by having the lead singer doing magic tricks doing their set. One song he was pulling out rope out of his mouth. It was crazy and he was very energetic. Last Thursday all three of these bands are worth checking out. You must see them before it’s too late.  

The Adicts: 9/10

Reverend Horton Heat: 9/10

The Creeopshow: 8.5/10

Stage 48: 8/10

Concert 8.5/10

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Upcoming Shows 9/18/15-9/24/15

Here's another week of shows we would like you to check out. These shows are in the Tri-State Area.
September 18
1. Terminal 5- Rancid, H2O, The Interrupters.
2. Music Hall of Williamsburg- Of Montreal, Surface To Air, Massive.
3.  Webster Hall- The Fratellis, Griz Folf, Mark Lesscroux.
4. Revolution Music Hall- Helmet.
5. The Silent Barn- Dream Gurls, Yohana, Adult Mom.
6. Shea Stadium- Tough Shits, Big Huge, Fletcher C. Johnson, Secret Crash.
7. Elvis Guesthouse- The Fratellis.
8. Aviv- Total Slacker, Acid Dad, The Britanys, Sidea Sideb.
9. The Bowery Electric- The Atomic Bitchwax, Mos Generator, Against The Grain, Atom Strange.
10. The Brighton Bar- Pop Will Eat Itself, End of An Era.
11. Nublu- R-Tronika, Amor Prohibido.
12. The COP Frat- TrenchFoot, Media Limits, Draw The Line, Young Republicans, Blame God.
13. Shakers Pub- ACxDC, Outer Heaven, Mother Brain, Ground, WitchTripper.
14. The Grand Victory- Sham 69, Attack, Agitator.
15. Vintage Vinyl- The Front Bottoms.
16. Starland Ballroom- Armor For Sleep, Owel, The Moms, The Gold Seas.
17. Toad's Place- Reverend Horton Heat, The Adicts, The Creepshow.
September 19
1. Webster Hall- Joyce Manor, Cheap Girls, Tracks.
2. The Shop- Beebs and Her Money Makers, The Night Owls, LTrain, Inner Outlaws, The Rooftop.
3. The Pulaski Club- ACxDC, Outer Heaven, Recycled Earth, Slavestate, SITH.
4. The Spleen- RudaMaya, Gallons of Prok, Boketto, Rumble Strips, Banderson.
5. ABC No Rio- World War IX, Rotten Stitches, Total Fury, Forsaken Profits, Death Vacation, Mad Diesel, Nervous Aggression, SPIKE, Polite, Sewage.
6. Tyrannosaurus Sex, Trash Legs, Of Course!, Will Leet.
7. The Acheron- Total Fury, Unknown TO GOD, Sadist, Worse.
8. Hollis Woods Community Church- Mind Over Time, Chris Paul Morales, Dice 15, Ifrit, Good Intentions, Phantoms & Fables, Forever Remains Far.
9. Saint Viuts Bar- Hellbent Hooker, Pink Mass, Prostitution.
10. Irving Plaza- Chuck Ragan & The Camaraderie, Jesse Malin, Meghanna Wright.
11. Santos Party House- Teenage Bottlerocket, Pears, The Parasites.
12. Santos Party House- Pop Will Eat Itself, Die Wurzau.
13. The Silent Barn- Worries, Arm Candy, Littler, Young Ladies.
14. Shea Stadium- Cold Beat, Home Blitz, MPHO, OCDPP.
15. Baby's All Right- Busdriver, Elucid, Tanya Morgan, Jesucifer.
16. Aviv- Crushed Out, Feral Foster, Lord Youth, Slingshot.
17. Palisades- Frankle Cosmos, No Ones and The Somebodies, Thelma, Your Are The Only Ears.
18. The Brighton Bar- Barb Wire Dolls, Special Guest.
September 20
1. Brooklyn Bowl- Fishbone, Roots of Creation, Lions on The Moon.
2. The Clinic- Soft Dov, Anasazi, Survival, Donuts V, Death Vacation.
3. The Other Side- Slave, American Hate, HARAM, Sick Head.
4. The Meatlocker- Fuck Face, Axe Ripper, DutchGuts, Uncle Mark, Rotten Stitches, Forsaken Profits.
5. Nihil Gallery- Trophy Wives, Silence The Conspirator, Legend of You, So Yesterday, 2 In The Afternoon.
6. The Dolla Bill- Take One Car, Commonwealth NY, Naughty, Abi Reimoid, Catlike.
7. The Acheron- Rawhide, Whipstriker, PanzarBastard, Bomb Scare.
8. Saint Vitus Bar- Martian Rev, One Prayer One Sin, Mystic Rule, Courtship Ritual.
9. The Silent Barn- Coldbeat, Heaven's Gate, Honey.
10. The Stone Pony- The Fall of Troy, Adventourtime, And So I Watch you From Afar.
11. Trans-Percos: James Chance and The Contortions, EX Models, Dream Crusher.
12. Palisades- Jiccup, Dead Soft, Cutters, Twisa.
13. Asbury Lanes- Teenage Bottlerocket, Pears, Lost in Society.
14. The Brighton Bar- Sham 69.
September 21
1. Irving Plaza- Ride, DIIV.
2. Fuze Box- Cirlce Takes The Square, ITs Not Night Its Space, Empty Vessels, Che Guevara T-Shirt.
3. The Silent Barn- Homewreckers, Cochina, Lakras.
4. Cop Frat- ACxDC, Outer Heaven, Concrete, Blame God.
September 22
1. Irving Plaza- Ride, Barnard Lakes.
2. The Loft at The Chantcleer- ACxDC, Meth Mouth, Doubt, Bastard Eyes.
3. Music Hall of Williamsburg- The Cribs, Farao.
September 23
1. The Silent Barn- G.L.O.S.S., Aye Nako, Moor Nothergoddess, Cristy C. Road.    
2. Obriens- Flak Jacket, Adam's Atoms, Felix, Corruption Culture.
3. The Place Bar and Lounge- Danny Green, Risers, Gradual Avulsion, TBA.
4. The Bowery Ballroom- Built To Spill, Crosss, Clarke and The Himselfs.
5. Music Hall of Williamsburg- Walk The Moon.
6. Rough Trade NYC- The Front Bottoms.
7. Shea Stadium- Eda Wolf, Ruby My Dear, Madam West, Oracle Room.
8. The Stone Pony- Ride, Besnard Lakes.
9. Baby's All Right- STATS, Survival, Couch Slut.
10. Union Pool- Acid Dad, Dino Walrus, Cloak, The Flag.
September 24
1. Terminal 5- The Jesus and Mary Chain, The Black Ryder.
2. Heirloom Arts Theatre- Lee Corey Oswald, Soda Bomb, Havenfield, The Parthenon.
3. Brooklyn Bowl- Doomtree, Speedy Ortiz.
4. The Bowery Ballroom- Built To Spill, Crosss, Clarke and The Himself.
5. Music Hall of Williamsburg- LOW, Andy Shauf.
5. Saint Vitus Bar- Trivium.
6. Revolution Music Hall- The Queers, The Nobodys, Boogie Brains, Filthy Twolips, Yum-Yuckers.
7. Rough Trade NYC- Severed Head.
8. Shea Stadium- Pottymouth. Crying, Heliotrope.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Riot Fest Toronto 2015 Spotlight

This upcoming weekend Canada get’s their annual Riot Fest in Toronto. The event takes place on September 19th and 20th at Downsview Park. This festival is mixed up with Rock, Metal, Punk and some Hip-Hop. This completes the third and final Riot Fest stop of the year.
Day One September 19th
Alexisonfire, Weezer (Performing Pinkerton), Motorhead, All Time Low, Coheed and Cambria, Drive Like Jehu, Thrice, Echo & The Bunnymen, Against Me!, Eagles of Death Metal, The Dead Milkmen, Bayside, GWAR, Cancer Bats, The Thurston Moore Band, D.O.A., Moneen, Die Mannquin, Heat, Courage My Love, Ritual, The OBGMs, The Dirty Nil, Willa, Safe To Say, Rarity, Twin River, Tomahawk Love, Hellzapoppin Circus Sideshow Revue.
Day Two September 20th  
The Prodigy, Weezer (Performing The Blue Album), Wu-Tang Clan, Rancid (Performing … And Out Come The Wolves) Tyler, The Creator, Atmosphere, Bleachers, Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls, Babes In Toyland, Yelawolf, The Airborne Toxic Event, The Joy Formidable, Andrew W.K., FIDLAR, DoomTree, Jazz Cartier, Wildlife, Nova Rockafeller, Indian Handcrafts, Like Pacific, The Dying Arts, Foxtrott, PartyCat, Tasha The Amzaon, Black Mastiff, Hellzapoppin Circus Sideshow Revue.    

My Top Five Bands To See
1. Weezer
2. Wu Tang Clan
3. Drive Like Jehu
4. Thrice

PHOTO SHOWCASE- Captain, We're Sinking at AMH