Sunday, September 27, 2015

Joyce Manor, Cheap Girls, and Tracks at Webster Hall 9/19/15

             Two Saturdays ago I got the chance to see Joyce Manor. They played at Webster Hall in the Grand Ballroom with Tracks and Cheap Girls. Webster Hall is one of my favorite venues in the city. Some of you might think this weird because I’m straight edge and I would protest against this band but I like them either way. Issues like that don’t bother me. Besides that the crowd for this show was quite diverse like the time I saw Teen Suicide. I saw Punks, Crustys, Pride people, White Collar People, and every race you can think about. Joyce Manor brings all which is great because they really aree a good band and there should not be only one group of people listening to this band.
            The First band of the night was Tracks. Tracks are from New Hemisphere and they were nothing special at all. I really hate when the opening band is boring. I get the fact you don’t want the crowd to go off for them but it sucks because the music was generic. I hated the sound and it sounded like Emo influenced Country music. The band was putting me asleep and I was annoyed because of this. I was not the only one who was not into this band because you could hear people just talking throughout their. Overall Tracks was a very boring band and I don’t recommended seeing them.
            The next band was Cheap Girls. Cheap Girls is an Indie/Power Pop band from Lansing, Michigan. I truly though this band was from Brooklyn because I see they play NY a lot and I also thought they were a garage rock band. They were four piece band and the lead singer had an acoustic guitar. The sound was okay and they were a lot better than Tracks. Their songs had a better pace than Tracks. I felt they were a little overrated and they really weren’t the band I expected. Their music reminded me a mix of Gin Blossom, Goo Goo Dolls, and Weezer. Overall they were an okay band.
            Finally Joyce Manor took the stage. Joyce Manor is Popish Punk band from Torrance, California. The first they played the crowd went ape-shit. The night before I saw Rancid and the craziness I saw there happen at Joyce Manor. There was all of all these people moshing, crowd surfing, and singing on top of each other. I could not believe what I was seeing it was absolutely crazy. They played like eighteen song and each song people were ecstatic. If this show was no barricades, this show would have been on a whole other level. Seriously I’m mad I never saw this band before Saturday especially the fact they are a fun band to watch. If you haven’t seen this band you are missing out big time.
Joyce Manor- 10/10
Cheap Girls- 7.75/10
Tracks- 5/10
Webster Hall- 9/10
Overall Concerts- 9/10

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