Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Madball, The Greenery, Eternal Sleep, Living Laser, and Mutiny Aboard at AMH 9/25/15

Last Friday the legendary NYHC band Madball Return to Long Island. This was their first stop of the tour with The Greenery and Eternal Sleep. The show was located at Amityville Music Hall aka AMH which has become the ultimate hot spot for hardcore shows on Long Island.  This show was not sold out which I can’t stand because this is a legendary hardcore band and everyone should come out for this but it is what it is.
The opener was the only Long Island band on this bill. Mutiny Aboard took the stage and right off the bat I knew they didn’t belong on this show. I give them credit because they were different but seeing a band that copies Every Time I Die playing with Madball is weird. This band is for fan of ETID, Glassjaw, and The Chariot. I didn’t hate them or love them I just was not into them. They were good at what they do but they didn’t do anything special for me. The crowd didn’t seem to be interested at all.          
Living Laser was up and they blew away Mutiny Aboard. This was my second time seeing this upstate NYHC band. They were a lot better this time around. I wasn’t a fan the first time I saw them last year. Living Laser was my favorite band of the night because they set was raw. They really remind me of Leeway and people were going off to them. Living Laser should be bigger because they are so great. They only played like five or six songs. I wish they played a longer set because they were a lot of fun. I don’t know why I dislike them the first time I saw them but now I’m a huge fan.
Eternal Sleep was up and was the heaviest band of the night. They are from Pittsburg, PA and part of the Deathwish Family. This is was my second time seeing them and I enjoyed them a lot compare to seeing them at Back To School Jam. The set was better at AMH but the mosh game was weak. Back To School Jam had a stronger mosh game but the band played well. I like them a lot this around. It sucked that no one was moshing for this band because Eternal Sleep got some gnarly riffs that make people want to kill. Once again Long Island stuck with the weak mosh pit.
The second to last band of the night was The Greenery. The Greenery is from Long Beach, CA and didn’t bring anything to the table. They really bored me and the set was okay. I’m surprise Madball brought this band out on their tour because they’re heavy but not really enjoyable.

Finally Madball took the stage. This was my fourth time seeing them and seeing them at this small venue was something special. Madball played probably like twenty songs from new to old. I think this was the longest set I’ve ever seen them play. Plus the pit was insane because people were really going hard. At one point people were crowd killing to them and I thought that was really weird. Overall Madball had a great set and if you missed them well that’s your fault. If you haven’t seen them yet you need to do something about that because Madball is a great live band.  
Madball- 9/10
The Greeney- 5/10
Eternal Sleep- 8/10
Living Laser- 10/10
Mutiny Aboard- 6/10
AMH- 9/10
Overall Concert- 8.5/10

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