Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Two Shows at AMH 9/27/15

             Last Sunday, I attended two shows at Amityville Music Hall aka AMH. The first show was a Punk Rock Matinee that featured the legendary Punk band D.O.A. with the openers In The Whale and The Avoiders. The Other show was Soda Bomb, Lee Corey Oswald, Petal Head, Figure Eight and Casanova.
The First Show
            The first band of this show was The Avoiders. The Avoiders are a Punk band from Long Island. I walked into their set after their first song and saw people moshing for them. There were only three people but it like they were having a great time in the pit. The crowd was maybe twenty people but the Avoiders were really good. They had that 1980’s Hardcore Punk sound. The band members looked like them came from that era. Overall they had a good set and had a really good sound.
            The next band In The Whale blew me away. This band is from Denver, Colorado and they are a duo. At first I had my jaw drop because how amazing they were. They mix the sound of 68’ and The White Stripes with more Punk, Blues, and Stoner Rock.  The Guitarist pedal board was amazing. It was huge and his guitar was plugged in with a bass. These two guys absolute killed it and I think the crowd didn’t know what was going on. I love every second of it. In The Whale was the best band of the first show and I totally see this band again. If these guys jam with 68’ the world will explode. If this band comes to your town don’t miss out.
            The Legendary Punk Rock band D.O.A. was up next and they played a killer set. D.O.A. is from Canada and probably the best band ever from Canada. D.O.A. played about twenty songs. They had a little bit of a crowd reaction which I thought was weird but then again there goes Long Island again for not going crazy for bands. The night before they played NYC and that was probably a better show. Overall D.O.A. was great especially since they’ve been a band for over thirty years and all nice guys especially Joey Shithead the vocalist. You’re missing out if you haven’t seen this band because they are Punk rock legends and probably the biggest Punk band from Canada.
The Second Show
            The opening band for the second show was Casanova. Casanova is a local Long Island rock band that has a female vocalist. Their style of music is a cross between Weezer, Turnover, and My Bloody Valentine. Their set was only four songs but each song besides their cover of “Moshi Moshi” by Brand New sounded like the bands I mention before. The music takes on a 90’s approach but strays from a generic sound. Casanova was the most impressive band of the night until Lee Corey Oswald took the stage and this was my fifth time seeing them. Each time I see them they get tighter and tighter as band. Check them out if you ever get the chance you don’t want to miss out.
            The next band was actually a solo performance called Figure Eight. Figure Eight is actually a band from Long Island it’s just the lead singer was there playing solo. The material was okay. Acoustic acts are okay but I felt I heard the same song over and over again. Maybe if the band played instead of the acoustic solo set I probably would have enjoyed it. Hopefully the next time I’m going to a show I see them with a full band.
            Petal Head was up next. Petal head is a Long Island shoegaze band. They were nice and loud. The probably I had wasn’t the fact you couldn’t here the vocals it was more the fact every song sounded the same. It felt like I was watching Nothing performing “Bent Nail” which is my favorite song but after two songs it kind of got repetitive. Overall they were okay and it’s cool seeing a band from Long Island that is shoegaze not Pop-Punk or Emo.
            Up next was Lee Corey Oswald. This was my second time seeing this Portland, Oregon Popish Punk band. The first time I saw them for a few songs at this year Vans Warped Tour. Seeing them AMH was great and they put on a great show. Lee Corey Oswald are really cool people and they played great. They played a lot of song off of their LP and played some new songs that they will begin to record after the tour. I love the fact that these guys had a lot of fun playing onstage. I wish they were more people there to see this band because they are a great band people need to see them.
            The last band of the day was up which was Soda Bomb. This was my fourth time seeing this Long Island Rock band. Soda Bomb brings a geeky Weezer sound with some Grunge and modern Punk. Soda Bomb is a great live band. This time around the fans didn’t really seem to be really for them compare to the last time I saw them. Soda Bomb put on a great set and I always love seeing this band ever since I saw them at Spring Mixtape opening up for Title Fight. Soda Bomb is probably one of the band local bands right now on Long Island. You’re messing up big time if you haven’t seen them yet.
Soda Bomb- 9/10
Lee Corey Oswald- 10/10
Petal Head- 7.5/10
Figure Eight- 5/10
Casanova- 10/10
Show 2- 8.5/10
D.O.A.- 9/10
In The Whale- 10/10
The Avoiders- 8.5/10
Show 1- 8/10
AMH- 9/10

Overall Day- 9/10 

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