Friday, May 1, 2015

Agnostic Front, The Mob, and Urban Waste at The Bowery Electric 4/24/15

             Last Friday, Agnostic Front played a two day record release show for their new album "The American Dream". The show was at The Bowery Electric. The first show was Agnostic Front, and had the The Mob and Urban Waste open for the show. The second show was Razorheads, Pure Disgust, and Ache opening. I went to the first night and that night Agnostic Front shot a video for their song “Old New York”. This was a sell out show and in a really small place. The Bowery Electric seemed smaller than the Amityville Music Hall. At first I was like, no way people are going to mosh or anything.  

            The first band of the night was Urban Waste. Urban Waste is an old school NYHC band from the 1980’s. They are from Queens. The band only has one originally member, which is their guitarist. Urban Waste brought out the old school video and there wasn’t a lot people there for them but they put on a good show. Urban Waste played their old tunes and played some of their new stuff that should be coming out soon. What was great about this band is that most of the members probably never saw the original Urban Waste and they took it to make it their own thing. Personally I never got into their music but for me, seeing an old school band from back in the day is legendary.

            The second band of the night was The Mob. This is the NYHC Mob, not the British punk band the Mob. The Mob is another old school band from Jackson Heights, New York.  When The Mob took the stage, the pit opened and people were having fun like the old days. At first I was into it and then it got little bothering. I thought Urban Waste was better but The Mob got a better crowd reaction. I think they got a better reaction because they started to play Bad Brains covers which are always cool to hear live. Just like Urban Waste, it’s always cool seeing a band from that era still doing their thing.

            Agnostic Front was up and of course the place erupted. Agnostic Front is known to be the biggest NYHC group of all time. They’ve been around since 1980. This was my second time seeing them. The first I saw them was last year at The Black N’ Bowl where they played the Cause for Alarm album in its entirety. This show was a lot better because it was a mix of new songs and classics. The entire set was full of sing alongs, stage diving, moshing, pile ons, and everything you would see at CBGB show from 1980’s. Finally getting a chance to see “Victim in Pain” and “Crucified” was great. The only thing I didn’t like what that the mic kept going out for Roger (AF lead singer) and that since it was an older crowd it didn’t get weird. I still had a great time seeing this band. The video shoot went well and they played the song four times and I hope I get on that video. Overall if you never seen Agnostic Front you're messing up big time. If you like punk rock, hardcore, especially NYHC, then AF is meant for your liking.

Agnostic Front- 9/10

The Mob (USA)- 8/10

Urban Waste- 8/10

The Bowery Electric- 8/10

Concert Overall- 9/10


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