Monday, May 4, 2015

Venue Review- Brooklyn Night Bazaar

I meant to do this a while ago but never got around to it until now. One of my favorite venues out there
right now is Brooklyn Night Bazaar, the venue is a late night hangout/venue/.The venue doesn't just function as a venue but as so much more and I think that's why I like it so much. To start, they have so many local vendors, whether it be clothes, jewelry, food, even a local tattoo artist and barber take up shop there for the night.  There is a lot of entertainment there such as mini golf, a small arcade, and air hockey/pool tables available while you aren't watching the bands that play there.  I've had the pleasure of seeing a number of bands there, including Into It, Over It, Major League, Modern Baseball, Vulture Shit and many more. On top of that its a great place to see friends in the five boroughs area. The food there is always great, the vendors cycle out every now and again but they have something for everybody, I just think there should be more vegan and vegetarian options available.
 They have a number of different beers available at the beer garden/bars inside, ranging from normal domestics to craft beers. They're average priced drinks for the area, but that is only if your drinking there which I would definitely recommend if your a fan of craft beers. I think the best part of it is the amount of shows and events the book, they have something going on every Friday and Saturday, peticularly this week they have Holychild, Monogold, New Myths and White Wash on Friday and Har Mar Superstar, Mereki, Lost Lander and Holiday Mountain on Saturday. Overall, I have to give this venue a solid 9/10, its absolutely incredible and the atmosphere is great, my only complaints are that its fairly pricy there, so come with a bit of cash on you.

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