Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Story So Far, Four Year Strong, Terror, and Souvenirs at Webster Hall 5/21/15

Last week The Story So Far played to a sell out of crowd with no barricades. TSSF were on tour supporting their brand new self titled album. TSSF played at the Grand Ballroom, aka the main room, Webster Hall. It was also the celebration of TSSF lead singer's birthday. I heard a rumor that the contract with this tour caused every venue to have the shows with no barricades which was great, because anything that is punk rock should have no barricades.

The first band was Souvenirs. This was my second time seeing this band and they are from California. I’m guessing they're an emo band. This band really doesn’t appeal to me and it seemed that the crowd wasn’t really interested. The crowd was the very quiet. This tour was mixed and Souvenirs was the softest band of the night. What’s funny about this set is that Souvenirs got the same reaction they got when I saw them with TSSF back November 2013. If you are into really sad music, than this band is for you.

Terror was next, and a lot of people moved up. The best thing that happened before Terror got on was seeing all the girls getting scared who stood up front. These girls don’t know about Terror and how the lead singer Scott Voguel wants stage dives. This was my fourth time seeing this band. Terror is from California and they bring the fury. They came on, and the pit opened up. The pit was good for the first three songs and then people who didn’t know how to mosh came in. Terror was great but the problem was not a lot of people were into them. It seemed a lot of people were scared of them especially the people who were jumped on. I really love this band and it great seeing them again. If you’re into hardcore and never seen Terror, you’re messing up big time.

Four Year Strong was up next. FYS is the only band on this lineup that I haven’t seen before. FYS are from Worcester, Massachusetts and are a “easycore” band.  Easycore is basically pop punk and melodic hardcore mixed up like A Day To Remember and Chunk, No Captain Chunk. I thought they were more on the punk rock side and they added these little breakdowns. I see the whole “beardcore” thing because they all had beards and some of their songs have breakdowns. For what they are I like what they do but it’s not my style. I’m not a huge fan of that mix because of bands like ADTR. Overall I enjoyed this set but I found it funny for people going so hard in the pit for them and I was like, "where you for Terror?" That’s the people I find funny.

The Story So Far was the final band. This was my fourth seeing this band. TSSF are from Walnut Creek, California. They opened up with “The Things I Can’t Change” which got the crowd going. After that people wished and sang “Happy Birthday” to the vocalist, Parker Cannon. Parker Cannon was saying this was his best birthday. I was so happy to see this band without barricades. I always wanted to see this band without barricades. The problem with having no barricades is that a lot of girls got onstage and didn’t know what to do. I really despise people who go on stage and drive to take a video or selfie of them jumping off stage. It seemed Parker wasn’t really into people trying to the mic which I thought was weird. The reason why is because in a punk, pop-punk, hardcore band etc always give up the mic to let the crowd sing. Overall I loved this set, probably be the best set. Such a great live band and I could see this band again and again. The only thing is that I’m 100% positive that I’ll never see this band play without a barricade again so I enjoyed the moment.

The Story So Far- 9.5/10

Four Year Strong- 8/10

Terror- 9/10

Souvenirs- 7.5/10

Webster Hall- 9/10

Overall Concert- 8.75/10

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