Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Bad Religion and Plague Vendors at Bowery Ballroom 6/12/15

            Last Friday Bad Religion wrap their last night four night stand in New York City. Bad Religion played the first two nights at Music Hall of Williamsburg and the then the last two nights were at Bowery Ballroom. All four shows sold out. Bad Religion had Plague Vendors opened up with is not surprising because they are both signed with Epitaph Records which is owned by Bad Religion guitarist Brett Gurewitz. The Bowery Ballroom was a really weird venue to me it seemed like it was trying to be like Music Hall of Williamsburg. To be honest I wished I rather had seen this show at music hall because there was no barricade. Punk bands shouldn’t play with a barricade.

            Plague Vendor started the show. This is my first time seeing this band. Plague Vendors are from Whitten, California. The first fifteen minutes of the yet I liked. The band remind me of a chaotic bluesy punk band. I remember reading about this band back in 2014 in Alternative Press “100 you need to know about in 2014”. This band was okay nothing really special. I Think they over stayed their welcome because they played more than a half hour which I was like what the hell. The Crowd was somewhat into it until the last song people started to mosh. They were alright and I wish Bad Religion had a better to play win.

            Bad Religion was up. This was my second time seeing this legendary band. I was really hype to see them again but there was problem. I found out that the reason why they play two nights at a venue during this tour. They split up their set into two nights by one night playing classics from the 80’s and 90’s and the other playing songs from the 21st Century. This really bummed me out because I wasn’t going hear “Along the Way” and “I Want to conquer the world”. Bad Religion still played a great set. No matter what songs they played they were great. They played thirty two song set list. Which is great and it was cool hearing some of the new classics. The crowd reaction was great and it seemed this crowd wasn’t bummed like me. Still I loved this band and it was a good show. If you haven’t seen this band I don’t know I think you’re just stupid for missing this band. I hope get to see this band again.

Bad Religion- 9/10

Plague Vendor- 7.5/10

Bowery Ballroom- 7/10

Overall Concert- 8.25/10    

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