Tuesday, June 30, 2015

H2O, Breakdown, Cruel Hand, Criminal Instinct, Friend or Foe, High Card, and Manipulate at Revolution Bar 6/26/15

             Last Friday H2O played their 20th anniversary show at the Revolution bar in Amityville, New York. H2O had six bands open up for them and also had a huge drawing crowd for them. Revolution bar is known to have the bigger shows in Long Island without a barricade. It holds more than 300 I believe which is double the size of AMH (Amityville Music Hall) and it’s a better stage. I think this is my favorite venue in Long Island and I’m only here for big shows.

            The first band of the night was Manipulate. Manipulate are some what of a new band but the band features members from Backtrack and Suburban Scum. They are mixed between Hardcore/Crossover. No one was moving for them but this band had some killer riffs. This band isn’t doing anything new but the riffs were very gnarly. If people were into them this band will go places and the mosh pit will be intense.

            Long Island own High Card was up next and this was my third time seeing them. This was also my first seeing them not play a festival at this venue. Each time I’ve seen this band it’s been at this venue. The first two times seeing them was at Vengeance Fest last November and Spring Mixtape last March. High Card is a cool band because they love 80’s punk rock and hardcore like Bad Brains and Black Flag. High Card had a little pit and people sang along to their material. Check out their material if you get a chance.

            Friend or Foe was up next. Friend or Foe is a hardcore band from Richmond, Virginia. This was my second time seeing this band and I saw them back at Black n Blue 2014 Day 1. Friend or Foe is somewhat of a generic hardcore band. There was nothing special that I felt. The only thing I found cool about their set was that the guitarist of No One Rules (RIP) was filling. One band I wish came back for one more Long Island show.

            Soon to be kings of Atlanta, Georgia hardcore Criminal Instinct was up next. The reason why I say that is that because once Foundation is gone they will take that flag and the lead the charge from Atlanta. This was my second time seeing them and boy they sure were a lot better than the first time. I saw them at Vengeance Fest and I really like them. This time they were 100% better and people were going crazy for them. This band better blow up and they really are something else. The best thing about this set they did an instrumental version of Long Island band King Nine “Scared to Death” and the place erupted. You are messing up if you haven’t seen this band.

            Up next Cruel Hand, Cruel Hand is from Portland, Maine. This is my second time seeing them and I didn’t really care for them at first. To me Cruel Hand is an overrated band just like Expire. The first three songs I was like boring but all of the sudden it got better. I started to like them a lot. The best was at the end was when they had Eddie Leeway come out to perform. Now during their set the pit was intense but once Eddie Leeway got on a lot of old school people jumped right in. I think for the first 30 seconds the most intense moment I saw at the venue. No music was being played and people were going off. Seeing Eddie Leeway perform a song was great. Hopefully Leeway comes back soon.

            The legendary Breakdown was up next. Breakdown is back with their 1987 demo lineup and this was their first time playing Long Island in over 12 or 13 years. Breakdown is from Yonkers, New York and they are the old school NYHC band. I give these guys a lot of credit because there a lot of people my age were going off for them. Also they sang along and everything. Breakdown was really good probably one of the best old school band I’ve ever seen on Long Island. I really enjoyed this band a lot I would love to see this band again. Go see this band if you haven’t already amd pay respects to the old school bands.

            H2O took the stage. Toby Morse had his son on stage watching the performance and singing some the material. Also stage diving which make me wish hopefully one day if I have kids they get into hardcore like me. H2O are from New York and this was my first time seeing this band. I finally got the chance to see this band because I missed so many chances to see this band.  H2O are more a punk rock than hardcore. H2O are a fun band full of sing alongs and stage diving. The best part of the night was them doing a snippet of “Waiting Room” by Fugazi. This was the closet thing I’ll get to see a Fugazi. H2O was great and I can’t wait to see them again in September opening for Rancid.

H2O- 9/10

Breakdown- 9/10

Cruel Hand- 8.5/10

Criminal Instinct- 9.5/10

Friend or Foe- 7/10

High Card- 8.25/10

Manipulate- 7/10

Revolution- 9/10

Overall Concert- 8.75/10


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