Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Hotelier, Runaway Brother, Oso Oso, and The Spirit of The Beehive at The Studio at Webster Hall 11/08/15

            Last Friday, I went to the Webster Hall to see The Hotelier. The Hotelier was playing The Studio at Webster Hall, the smallest room in the venue. This was my first time seeing this band and all of the openers. Out of all the rooms in Webster Hall, The Studio is the only room where I’ve only been at maybe less than three times. The room is nice and tight for a punk rock show, so I was hoping for the best. The first time was in this room I got my glasses broken during Anti-Flag, so punk shows belong in this room.

            The opening band of the night was The Spirit of The Beehive. This indie rock/emo band is from Philly and has a very interesting sound. The music that was coming I enjoyed, but I was not into their vocals. Plus I’m not a fan of seeing three guitars on stage. It’s an issue I always have because I hate seeing two guitars play the same riff and another guitar doing something else. Otherwise, this band was okay. They kind of remind me of Sonic Youth with the uses of their instruments. Looking around the crowd, it looked like people were really into them.  Overall I was not too into them but they played a pretty good set.

            Up next was Oso Oso. Oso Oso is from Long Beach, New York. I’ve been meaning to see this band for awhile. I’ve missed them quite a few times. Last Friday, I finally got my chance and it was well worth it. Oso Oso played a great set. The only thing that sucked was that they did not get a good reaction, but they were well liked but many people. I thought Oso Oso was the best opener of the night and I’m mad I waited so long to see this band. If you like Weezer, Modern Baseball, or other geeky punk rock, this band is for you.

            The last opener was Runaway Brother. Runaway Brother is from Cleveland, Ohio. This band really bored me, which disappointed me because I want to be amped up for The Hotelier. The band was okay and talented but they did not interest me at all. They were okay for who they are, otherwise I think another band should have played right before The Hotelier rather than them.

            The Hotelier took the stage and everybody was ready. The Hotelier are from Worchester, MA. Before they started they made an announcement that this show will get crazy and wanted there was to be no stage diving or crowd surfing. I thought that was weird, but I realized it’s a small stage and they are just looking out for their fans. First song the place erupted and I was like, "wow. I didn’t expect that at all." The way people go off to Joyce Manor is the same exact way people were going off to the Hotelier. The crowd was insane and there was big pit and people rushing up to the front. The Hotelier was so good that I would totally see them again. I recommend to everyone is reading this that you see this band before you die. So much fun live and I cannot wait for them to come back.       

The Hotelier- 10/10

Runaway Brother- 6/10

Oso Oso- 8.5/10

The Spirit of The Beehive- 7/10

The Studio at Webster Hall- 7/10

Overall Concert- 8/10


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