Friday, December 4, 2015

Fallcore 2015 Spotlight

This upcoming weekend is the annual Texas Hardcore fest, Fallcore. This is a two day event featuring some of the best hardcore bands from Texas and also bands from around the nation. This year they will be having Foundation's last Texas show and also feature legendary bands like D.R.I. and All Out War. This will be taking place in Houston, Texas at the venue Walter’s Downtown.

 Day One December 4th, 2015

Foundation, Sentenced To Burn, Pulled Under, Dress Code, United Races, Mind Kill

Day Two December 5th, 2015

D.R.I., All Out War, Bitter End, Will To Live, Venomous Maximus, Modern Pain, Concrete Elite, Hardside, Mastema, Survival Method, Bloodhound, Mind’s Eye, Blunt, Sketch/Driven

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