Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Top Forty of 2015

This year was a fantastic year in music. There were so many good releases that came out this year. 2015 had a stronger year in music over last year. This here is my top 40 releases of the year. Some of the bands mentioned are bands I've seen in the last year. Some of them I saw them multiple times this year. So here’s my top 40. Please note that these are not all albums, some of these are demos and EPs.
1.      Title Fight- Hyperview
2.      Foundation- Turncoat
3.      Jeff Rosenstock- We Cool?
4.      Turnstile- Non Stop Feeling
5.      Turnover- Peripheral Vision
6.      Deafheaven- New Bermuda
7.      Commonwealth- Bold Print
8.      Superheaven- Ours Is Chrome
9.      Citizen- Everybody Goes to Heaven
10.  Donovan Wolfington- How to Treat the Ones You Love
11.  Beach Slang- The Thing We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us
12.  Adventures- Supersonic Home
13.  GIVE- Sonic Bloom
14.  Soda Bomb- Wanna Jam?
15.  Freedom- USA Hardcore
16.  Jesus Piece- S/T
17.  Ceremony- The L Shaped Man
18.  Harms Way- Rust
20.  Metz- ll
21.  Old Wounds- The Suffering Spirit
22.  Vice- No One Gets Buried With You
23.  Cult Leader- Lightless Walk
24.  Nai Harvest- Hairball
25.  G.L.O.S.S.- Demo
26.  Swervedriver- I Wasn’t Born to Lose You
27.  Disgrace- True Enemy
28.  Milk Teeth- Sad Sack
29.  Blind Justice- Undertow
30.  Westpoint- Dive
31.  Rotting Out- Reckoning
32.  Stray From The Path- Subliminal Criminals
33.  Agnostic Front- The American Dream Died
34.  Anti-Flag- The American Spring
35.  Twitching Tongues- Disharmony
36.  Drug Church- Hit Your Head
37.  Night Birds- Mutiny at Muscle Beach
38.  Vacation- Non Person
39.  Counterparts- Tragedy Will Find Us
40.  GOTTEM- Cool   

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