Friday, December 4, 2015

Twitching Tongues, Harms Way, Malice At The Palace, Recycled Earth, and Jukai at AMH 11/23/15

On November 23, Amityville Music Hall hosted probably one of the best hardcore shows of this year. The lineup was Twitching Tongues, Harms Way, Malice at The Palace, Recycled Earth, and Jukai. Homewrecker was originally on this lineup, but had to drop due to van troubles. Every band had a great reaction and there were a lot of people who came out for this show. 
The opening band of the night was Jukai. Jukai is a metal influenced hardcore band from Long Island. This was my fourth time seeing this band and this was probably the best set I've ever seen them play. They were insane and they got a great reaction. Usually Long Island is weird to opening bands but this time they really showed pride for their hometown. Jukai had the best reaction of the night and the reaction really surprised me. Do not miss a chance to see this band because they are blowing up. Their next LI show will be at Amityville Music Hall opening up for Incendiary and Backtrack on December 26.
The next band of the night was Recycled Earth. Recycled Earth is a hardcore band from Nyack, New York. This was my second time seeing this band. First time I saw them was with Agnostic Front at the same venue. Seeing them for the second time was amazing and they got a better reaction than the first time I saw them play. People should totally check out this band.
Malice at The Palace took the stage and absolutely blew my mind. This hardcore band from Pensacola, Florida just got everybody going off for them. They took the stage, played a short set, and destroyed everything. I could not believe how great and how much aggression came out of this band. I think this band will blow up and this tourwith Twitching Tongues and Harms Way is just getting them more fame. Malice will be a big band next year.  
Harms Way was up next and this is my second time seeing this very heavy hardcore band from Chicago. They started and the place erupted. The pit was crazy and Harms Way was on point. They played a lot off of their new record Rust. I enjoyed their set a lot and they played everything I wanted to hear. I wish they could have gone on longer but the band sure did their job. Also the fans made a great pit and it got pretty crazy. Probably the most violent pit of the entire show and I loved it. If you haven’t seen Harms Way, you really are messing up big time.
The final band of the night was Twitching Tongues. This was my second time seeing this crossover band and probably the best time. I saw them last year opening up for Code Orange. Finally seeing them headline was totally cool. They played a great set that was mixed between their first and second album. Twitching Tongues' set was great and they got a really good reaction. I love this band a lot because they have a mix of Black Sabbath, Carnivore, Type O Negative and Life of Agony. Twitching was great I cannot wait until the next time I see them.
Twitching Tongues- 10/10
Harms Way- 10/10
Malice at The Palace- 10/10
Recycled Earth- 10/10
Jukai- 10/10
AMH- 9/10
Overall Concert- 10/10

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