Friday, December 4, 2015

Title Fight, War Hungry, Cold World, Westpoint, and Maniac at West SidePark 11/25/15

            On Thanksgiving Eve, I traveled with my friend to see Title Fight play their hometown show in Nanticoke, PA. The lineup for the event was Title Fight, War Hungry, Cold World, Westpoint, and Maniac. This was at the venue West Side Park. Just because of this show West Side Park has become my favorite venue outside of the New York area.
            The opening band of the night was Maniac. Maniac is a hardcore punk band from Newfoundland, PA. Maniac played a quick set but they were a lot of fun. They had a pit going on for them and the songs were fast. At one point there were probably ten or more people in the pit. Maniac was really good and I became a fan just by this set. They even covered Minor Threat's  'Seeing Red.'
            The next band up was Westpoint. This was my second time seeing this alternative influenced punk band. The first time I saw this band I was not a huge fan but last Wednesday they were great. They opened up their set with 'Boy’s Don’t Cry' by The Cure. I love their sound. It’s a mixture of The Replacements, Husker Du, Title Fight, and other early alternative bands. This set changed my opinion about this band and now I cannot wait to see them again.
            Up next was Cold World. This was my second time seeing this band and this was their first home show in a long time. This set was insane and I did not know that Cold World could get violent. When I saw them in Brooklyn there was not any room to mosh and it was mostly stage dives. This time was different and the pit got pretty intense. To me, Cold World is not a crazy heavy hardcore band but this crowd proved me wrong. PAHC showed their colors and this was probably the best time seeing this band. If you have not seen Cold World, you’re messing up big time.
            War Hungry took the stage and the place erupted. This crossover band from Wilkes-Barre, PA got the crowd going and it was amazing. The band mixed hard rock and metal riffs with hardcore. I learned a lot from that set. People really enjoyed the Black Sabbath riffs. War Hungry was really good and I enjoyed this set a lot.
            The final band of the night was Title Fight. This is my third time seeing this band. Title Fight tore the place apart. Their set consisted of all three albums and one EP. Every song got the crowd going expect songs off of Hyperview which disappointed me. Besides that, I loved the amount of people stage diving and this was probably my best time seeing them. They played for an hour, I wish they could play for more but this show was something. I will travel each time they play this venue because seeing Title Fight at their home is amazing. I’ve seen them play Long Island and New Jersey, but this was the best. A punk band playing in a DIY spot with no barricades and everyone getting along. This was the perfect set and show.
Title Fight- 11/10
War Hungry- 9/10
Cold World- 10/10
Westpoint- 9/10
Maniac- 9/10
West End Park- 10/10

Overall Concert- 19/10               

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