Thursday, July 30, 2015

Freedom, Fury, Intent, Big Contest, Provider, Impact, and Hangman at AMH 7/29/15

            Last Wednesday, Amityville Music Hall aka AMH hosted another night of hardcore.  Freedom came rolling thru town with Intent and Fury. They had local support with Provider, Impact and Hangman. Amityville Music Hall is the number #1 spot for all of the hardcore shows on Long Island.
            The first band of the night was Hangman. Hangman is a new Long Island hardcore band that features the lead singer of Numbskull Mike Smith playing guitar. I listen to their demo before and I heard nothing special but live 100% better. This band is going to get better and I really enjoy this band. I really would like to see this band again because there is a strong future with this band.
            Impact was up next and this is my second time seeing them. Impact is from Staten Island, New York and has the leader singer of Vice playing drums for this band.  Impact was a lot better the second time because the crowd was into it and they played really good. What sucked was they kept breaking the bass drum so they would stop for a little bit. Still the played a great set. Impact even covered FloorPunch which that was insane and a lot of fun.  
            Provider was up next and this was their first show since last October. Provider is a band from Long Island. There was nothing special about this band at all. They were very generic and the only good thing about them was crowd reaction. Their breakdowns caused a lot of movement up in front but overall a boring band.
            Before the rest of the lineup played Big Contest took the stage and I was looking at the stage and I saw Ned Russin playing bass. Ned is the lead singer and bassist of Title Fight. They played like three songs and covered Mental.
            Intent took the stage and half of the people who where in the band before were playing again. Intent is from Boston and Wilksbare, PA. Intent was a lot of fun and a lot of two-stepping. I was really into this band and I love the crowd reaction they got. Triple B records have a lot of good bands and this band was really fun. This was one of the first shows I’ve ever been to in awhile that was a lot of fun and I knew I wouldn’t get destroyed at. I would totally love seeing this band again.
            Fury took the stage and absolutely killed it. Fury is from Orange County, California and also signed to Triple B records. Fury was a lot fun also just like Intent. Their set was not even fifteen I don’t think. It felt like a rush. Also while I was moshing the lead singer of Have Heart was in the pit. I thought this was the greatest thing in the world because he’s from Boston and he moshing in Amityville. Fury is a very good band.
            Freedom the headline band of the night took the stage. Freedom is a Detroit straight edge hardcore band and also signed to Triple B. This was also my third time seeing this band and I love seeing this band. The only thing that sucks about this band is that they play less than twenty minutes. Otherwise Freedom had a gnarly set especially when they played ‘Freedom Slam” AMH erupted. There were maybe 20-30 people moshing in this small venue. It got really crazy plus they did a Killing Time cover which was fun. Overall if you miss this shows last night you messed up big time. Freedom is defiantly one of the best live bands right now.
Freedom- 10/10
Fury- 8.75/10
Intent- 9/10
Big Contest- 8/10
Provider- 6.5/10
Impact- 9/10
Hangman- 8.5/10
AMH- 9/10

Overall Concert- 10/10     

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Rise Against, Killswitch Engage, and letlive at Central Park 7/28/15

            Last night I attended my first ever Central Park Summer Stage show. Rise Against played with Killswitch Engage and letlive. Back when this show was announce it was sold out within days. I didn’t get a ticket until ticketfly was releasing more tickets. I’ve seen all of these bands but not in an outdoor area. The venue’s cap was probably maybe 2,000 or more.
            The opening band was letlive. Letlive are from Los Angeles and is a post-hardcore band. To me they are probably one of the best bands of this decade. This is my third time seeing this band. Crazy as always letlive took the stage and went off. They got a great reaction but for me it could have been better. Letlive played songs from the albums Fake History and The Blackest Beautiful and even a new song. What I love about this performance is that the lead singer Jason Aalon Butler was crazy as usual. He was in the crowd and jumping all around. What sucks about letlive is that you have to see them headline because you can never get enough of them. If you haven’t seen this band you’re messing up.
            Killswitch Engage was up next. This was my second time seeing this band. Killswitch are a metalcore band from Westfield, Massachusetts. I used like this band and finally got to see them back in 2013. They were good live and they got a good reaction from the crowd. Also I feel that a good portion of the fans there yesterday were there for them. They played a good set but it got a little boring. I mean this was a very weird lineup for a tour but it worked out. It’s a little bit of everything.     
            Rise Against took the stage and the crowd went off. This was my third time seeing this band. Rise Against are a punk band from Chicago. Pits were erupting everywhere and this is why Rise Against is great. People were crowd surfing and singing along. Rise Against played classic like “Give it all” and “Prayer for Refugee”. For me the best part was when they people spray water to cool off which I never experiences before. I mention how fans were mix and feel that Rise Against brings that out. The reason why is because since they are popular they attract a lot of different people. There nothing wrong with that but you can tell when someone has never a punk show. If you never seen Rise Against you’re messing up big time because they are one of the best live acts.
Rise Against- 9/10
Killswitch Engage- 8/10
letlive.- 9/10
Central Park- 8/10
Concert Overall- 9/10


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Photo Showcase- Susiepalooza

Remember how we sponsored a backyard show? Well here are the photos from that event, it was an amazing time, and so much money was raised for such a great cause.