Sunday, January 10, 2016

Freedom, Forced Order, Manipulate, NYC Headhunters, Impact, Vulgar Display, and Kept in Line at The Acheron 1/06/16

           Last Wednesday I went to my first show of the year, which was Freedom and Forced Order at The Acheron. I was really excited to see Freedom again at a tiny venue. This was last stop of the tour the two bands are on. They had local support from Manipulate, NYC Head Hunters, and Impact. The booker also put on two Texas hardcore bands that had a few dropped days of their own tour. Kept in Line and Vulgar Display had a split set to start off the night.
            Kept in Line went on first to play the split set. As mentioned before both bands are from Texas. Kept in Line was good they had pretty good songs. They played fast and had a lot of two-step parts. Overall they were cool. Vulgar Display took the stage and the band were some of the same members from Kept in Line. Vulgar Display was a much heavier band that had some metal influences. First song there was a one man pit, but that's about it for the mosh pit.
            Impact was up next. This was my fourth time seeing this Staten Island hardcore band. Impact has a style that fans of 1980’s NYHC could enjoy. Impact got a good reaction this set. This was probably the best reaction out of all of the times I’ve seen them. The crowd was moshing and singing along. Overall, Impact played a really good set. I recommend seeing this band if you into old school NYHC.
            NYC Headhunters took the stage. This was my second time seeing this band and second time seeing them play at the Acheron. I saw them last November opening for Infest. This hardcore punk band from New York is band that is obsessed with big mosh parts. The crowd was going side and side for every song. NYC Headhunters brings a really cool style of 80’s hardcore. I would love to see this band again and if you are into 80’s hardcore, this band is for you.
            Manipulate took the stage. I saw this band open for H2O last year. Manipulate is a New York band that features members of Kill Your Idols, Backtrack, and other NYHC bands. This band played a descent set, nothing crazy. I was not into this band. I felt this band was a little too generic for me. I expect a lot more from a side project that has members of really good NYHC bands. This band was not my thing but I noticed some people were really into them.
            Forced Order was up and this was my second time seeing them. At first, I really did not like this band when I saw them playing the Life and Death tour back in the Summer. I felt this band got a lot of hype and they did do anything for me but this time around it was different. The crowd reaction was great and a lot of people were going crazy. People singing along, moshing, and stage diving. This set actually got me into them and I like them a lot. Forced Order played a really good set and I recommend everyone to start listening to this band. I would totally see this band again.
            The final band of the night was Freedom. Freedom is a Detroit straight edge hardcore band. This was my fifth time seeing this band. Freedom is one of my favorite hardcore bands right now. Freedom was insane from start to finish. People were going off and I just loved it. Freedom played over 20 minutes which was cool and they did a Madball cover of “Get Out.” Overall Freedom was great and if you have not seen Freedom you’re missing out big time.

Freedom- 10/10
Forced Order- 9/10
Manipulate- 6.5/10
NYC Headhunters- 8.5/10
Impact- 9/10
Vulgar Display- 8/10
Kept in Line- 7.7.5/10
The Acheron- 8/10
Over Concert- 9/10

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