Saturday, January 2, 2016


This upcoming weekend is the third annual Florida hardcore FYA fest. This fest features a lot of the up and coming hardcore bands of the United States and around the world. This band only has a few big bands while all of the other bands playing are smaller. This is a two day festival that will be in Tampa Bay at the venue The Orpheum. Some Long Island bands that we love are playing this fest and the after shows which are Regulate, Jukai, and Sanction.
January 2nd 2016
All Out War, Rival Mob, Criminal Instinct, Day By Day, God’s Hate, Head Creeps, ICE, Know The Score, Lost Souls, Mizery, Naysayer, Point Blank, Pulled Under, Pure Disgust, Protester, Red Death, Stand Off, Threshold, Trust No One
January 3rd 2016  
Turnstile, Blistered, Angel Dust, Crisis Unit, Detain, Forced Order, Freedom, Fury, Hit List, Jesus Piece, Jukai, Justified Defiance, Regulate, Renounced, Repentance, Society Sucker, Three Knee Deep, True Love
FYA Fest after Shows at Epic Problem
Jan 2nd- Red Death, Unified Right, Stand Off, Society Abuse, Don’t Bother Me, Faze
Jan 3rd-  Repentance, Renounced, Sanction, Drawing Last Breath, Vatican

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