Saturday, January 2, 2016

Incendiary, Backtrack, Jukai, and Petal Head at AMH 12/26/15

            Last Saturday, Incendiary and Backtrack sold out AMH for the last LIHC show of the year. This was benefit show for the Council On Adoptive Children. The show raised up to $3,000 which was totally cool and it was great seeing the Long Island Hardcore community coming together for this event.
            The opening band of the night was Petal Head. This was my second time seeing this local Long Island shoegaze band. I thought it was interesting that the opening band was not hardcore but was more interesting was that it was a shoegaze band. The crowd seemed to be interesting and it seemed no one was giving them a hard time on stage. They played a really good set and they were a lot better than the last time I saw them. If you're into 90’s alternative rock, then this band is for you. 
            Up next was Jukai, who are becoming one of my favorite local hardcore acts on Long Island. Last Saturday was my fifth time seeing them and even though they played a short set, they had the best set, hands down. The reaction from the crowd was great and every song was great. Also Jukai had the best pit of the night. Jukai shouls have gotten more fans from this show. If you like 90’s metal core, then this band is for you. Jukai is about to do a short East Coast tour that will lead up to the Florida Hardcore festival FYA fest.   
            Backtrack was up and I have not seen them play at AMH since the first Life and Death tour in summer of 2014. Backtrack played a special set. Besides playing songs from their two albums they played “Deal with The Devil” from front to back. These songs got a good reaction as well as the entire set got a reaction from the crowd. There was a lot of moshing, stave dives and everything you would see at a hardcore show. Overall Backtrack played a great set and it was good time.
            Incendiary came on and the place erupted. It was my eighth time I’ve seen them play and opening with the song “Zeitgeist” got the crowd going. Once again, Incendiary played a great set and did not disappoint at all. Incendiary played a pretty long set that was just over thirty minutes but every song was great. I love seeing this band and if you have not gotten the chance to see this band you’re messing up big time. Incendiary is the best bands from Long Island and if you missed this show, you missed one for the books.

Incendiary- 10/10
Backtrack- 9.5/10
Jukai- 10/10
Petal Head- 8.5/10
AMH- 9/10
Overall Concert- 10/10

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