Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Interview - Richie, Nick & Jon of Soda Bomb

After Mixtape Festival, I sat in my car in the back of the nearby parking lot with the heat blasting, because for whatever reason it was snowing in March. Jon Gusman, the drummer of Long Island indie rock band, Soda Bomb, was kind enough to round up some of his bandmates and meet up with me after the show to answer a few questions. They pulled up next to me in a truck full of equipment, and Richie (guitarist, 21), Nick (bassist, 22), and Jon got into my much smaller car- after a long day, no one was about to stand outside for an interview.
The band formed around 2012, shortly after Jon and their vocalist, Taylor, graduated from high school. Originally they were a two piece band, then acquired another bassist. “We had that line up for a little while, probably about two years, then we added Richie because he came to a show, and then we got Boston Market, and then we kind of liked the same things, so three days later I just texted him like, “Hey, you wanna play guitar in Soda Bomb?” and he was just like, “okay.” Jon said, and he added that it was around that time period they parted ways with their original bass player. They met their current bassist, Nick, after playing several shows with Nick’s other band, Bad Donor. Nick joined the band around October 2014. Jon says, “It was definitely really, really gradual, but also a very natural thing.”
Nick is no stranger to Soda Bomb, he says that over the last few years he’s played in a few other bands, “but every band that I was in, Soda Bomb was like, lingering close by. Whenever I needed to play a show with someone, I would just hit up Soda Bomb.” The band was also recently signed to Broken World Records and will be playing Broken World Festival on April 25th at The Outer Space in Hamden, Connecticut. Jon says, “Broken World was definitely kind of a freak thing… we didn’t really think that someone like Derek (head of Broken World Records) would take interest in us, but apparently they were like, thirty seconds into one of our songs and they e-mailed us right away. It was honestly a huge help for us, and now they’re putting out our full length, Wanna Jam?, on April 7th.” The album is already available for pre-order and will be available on the Broken World website.
When asked for tour survival tips, Jon stayed real about it. “One, save money before tour… try your best not to piss each other off.” He advised. Thankfully, they’ve managed to keep from doing that, but they’ve had their fair share of bad moments. “We’ve had some weird situations, this was before Nick and Richie were in the band, where like, someone gets too drunk, throws up and goes to sleep, there was one time, the show got robbed… our money got swiped, the cops were called, but apparently the guy who took the money already had a warrant out for his arrest… but other than that we never really have problems.”
Jon also reminds anyone going on tour, “definitely just realize why you’re there, you’re there to play music and have fun… As shitty as it is to drive however long and not shower as often as you’d like to, that’s what you have to do. That’s the prerequisite of this life.”
As far as final words for the interview, the band says to like them on Facebook for good jokes and don’t forget to pick up their new album, Wanna Jam?, coming out April 7th on Broken World Records!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Interview - Quinn & Eddie of High Card

At Mixtape Festival 2015, I had the honor of being one of the first people to interview Quinn and Eddie from local Long Island hardcore band, High Card. After putting on an extremely energetic show, I was very surprised to learn that not only are they unsigned, but they’ve only performed about a dozen times. In fact, they’ve only been a band for a few years, having released their first demo in the summer of 2013. Originally just talking to Quinn, we stood in the smoker section of the venue and I asked him the typical questions. He considers his musical influences to be “earlier” hardcore, “stuff from the 80’s. Kill Your Idols, Minor Threat, Outburst… Stuff like that.” Quinn doesn’t know how to play any instruments, and only started doing vocals when he was about twenty-one. He writes the lyrics for his band, as well, “about what pisses me off, mostly.” “I’ve known I’ve wanted to be in the music industry since I got into hardcore when I was fourteen. I was just like, “I wanna start a band!” It just took me a really long time to get it together, actually do it. I tried a lot of times and it always fail, and then I just happened to meet Eddie, over here.” It was at this point I realized the guitarist was standing a few feet away from us, so of course I got him involved in the interview.
 “We’ve known each other for awhile, then we became closer when we went to college together,” Quinn says. Eddie is one of the founders of the band, alongside Quinn. “We wanted to start a band, so we started a band.” He said simply. He also says one of his musical influences is Outburst. “Bane (who also played Mixtape Festival) was actually one of the first hardcore records I ever got, when I was thirteen. First show I ever went to, too,” Eddie continued. He is also the drummer in another band, U.S. Dogs. He has been playing guitar since he was about five.

 High Card is currently working on an LP, currently untitled but should be out within a month. They will be playing The Acheron in Brooklyn with Fury and Unified Right, don’t miss it! 

Interview - Cam & Kaleb of Hotel Books

  Having never heard of Hotel Books before, I wasn’t too involved with the crowd during their performance at Mixtape Festival this year. I hung back near the merch tables, and simply listened to the words pour out of frontman Cameron Smith’s mouth. I found it hard not to tear up. As they ended their set, I remembered my boss telling me he had e-mailed Hotel Books’ press agent for an interview and never got an answer. Without even thinking, I asked the man sitting at the band’s merch table if he thought the frontman would be willing to be interviewed last minute. Thankfully, it turned out not only that yes, Cam was available, he was also an extremely pleasant person to talk to. 
   After the set we walked to a quieter part of the venue, and before I began asking him questions, a fan approached us and told Cameron how touched he was by his words. Cameron remained humble, though appreciative of the praise. He had no problem telling me about his beliefs and his influences, one of them being God, but he also admitted to the flaws of christianity. “Probably the people who are worst at telling people how love should work is probably Christians. Some Christians can be so bigoted, and so we just wanted people to know, religion has nothing to do with us loving other people. Religion is something that people create in their heads, where love is something that’s bigger than us,” he said.
 As far as musical influences, Cam drew a bit of a blank. “We don’t really know who our influences are. We listen to some pretty weird music for how we sound. There’s probably like, three bands I listen to, and and none of them sound like Hotel Books, but what I learned from those bands helps me write for Hotel Books, even though we don’t sound like those bands. Like my all time favorite band is Modest Mouse… it’s cool to listen to that, and grow up with that, and understand the world better because of music. Then I write my own music and hopefully it reflects a clearer understanding of the world, too.” He also draws inspiration from what he calls “obscure SoundCloud ambient bands.” 
  Growing up, he was only allowed to listen to Christian music or clean music, such as Yellow Card, Switchfoot, and Weezer. He also spent a solid five minutes going on about P.O.D., and how powerful he feels they are, claiming that their album Satellites changed his life.  Being the first time I have ever interviewed anyone, and having no questions prepared, I continuously stumbled and stuttered over my words, but Cameron was very comforting and quite the conversationalist. At Hotel Books’ merch table I saw a book of poems and short stories Cam had written titled Most Nights, I Wish I Was With You (phenomenal read, for the record) and I had to ask him who his favorite poet was and he answered, “There’s the real answer and then there’s the Hotel Books answer. My favorite poet, as a person, is Shel Silverstein, because that’s what I was raised on and what made me interested in poetry, but obviously I’m not reading Light In The Attic when I’m trying to come up with a Hotel Books song… I’m not sure who my favorite poet is, I mostly listen to lyrics, but my favorite lyricist is the singer of MewithoutYou… but as far as poetry… I mean there’s the obvious, Robert Frost, e.e. cummings, I read a lot of Edgar Allen Poe and of course, Emily Dickinson… We actually recently stayed at a parsonage at a church, and it was the same one she stayed at when she was living in Philly.” He considers Dickinson, Poe and Frost to be “the first step to poetry. Like, you read a bunch of their stuff and then you’re like, “okay, I understand where poetry has been, and now I’m gonna take it somewhere else.” 
   Cam says he’s played drums in punk rock bands since he was eleven, and got into hardcore bands when he was about thirteen or fourteen, and then Hotel books formed sometime in 2011. They played their first show on the ten year anniversary of 9/11, and said it was definitely an emotional way to start their career, but felt that it was a reminder to remain humble, because “the people listening to your music, you don’t know what they’re going through, you don’t know how hard their life is, all you know is that they came to see your band, and playing such an emotional show where people were so damaged gave us the ability to step back and say “hey, let’s be honest and sincere with these people, ‘cause that’s what they want and need,” ya know?” At this point, I began blanking on what to ask him, but he knew the drill. “We have a new record coming out on April 7th, called Run Wild Young Beauty, available on iTunes and through the record label’s website.” They are signed to InVogue Records and pre-order is available. 
 Later on, I ran into their guitarist Kaleb, another extremely pleasant person, and he was also willing to answer a few questions. It turns out he had never been interviewed before, and it was an honor to be the first. Kaleb started playing music in high school, his first band being a melodic hardcore band with Hotel Books’ other guitarist, Dan. Kaleb joined the band in May 2013. I asked him about the writing process, and being new to the band he was only familiar with the process used on the album they most recently worked on. “We were recording in Ohio… and Cam would usually do his own thing for awhile, and he would sit at his computer or spend some time alone outside, spending time in prayer, write his lyrics and then the rest of us would just write the music.” Though Kaleb was not raised in a religious family, he himself is a Christian. He started going to church with friends a few years ago, and now before every set and drive the entire band prays together. 
  I asked him what he thinks the best show they’ve ever played is, and Kaleb told me though they recently played South By So What, which was a huge success, he loves the small house shows they’ve played. “I really enjoy house shows. They’re much more intimate.” Being so new to the band, I asked him how he ended up going from hardcore bands to Hotel Books. “Way back, Dan and I were in a melodic hardcore band called Endure, we actually did a split with Hotel Books. Dan ended up filling in for drums for their next tour, and eventually he said he wanted to bring me in to fill in for bass for a tour. So I filled in for bass, and then moved up to guitar with Dan, and then we were in the band.” 

 Hotel Books is a four piece spoken word indie rock band from central California signed to InVogue Records. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Interview- GIVE

At East Coast Collective's Mixtape festival we got a chance to speak with the guys in the band GIVE from DC.

PB- Ok, so who does what in the band?

John: I'm John, I sing, that's Ian he plays guitar

Dan: I'm Dan I'm filling in on bass.

PB- Alright what are some of your biggest influences musically?

Dan: Youth Of Today, The Smiths, It's Personal, we got double Youth of Today hoodies on today

John: Jimi Hendrix and Turning Point, The Smiths, Youth of Today,

PB- What kind of gear do you guys use?

Ian: Ben and I and I both play Marshal JCM 800's its the best amp in the world everyone should buy them. We use a bunch of different guitars, mainly he uses Gibson and I use fender strats. Gene would play any drums, not even Gene would play anything he can hit a stick with.

John: He hates pearls though

Ian: Yeah he fucks with Ludwig pretty hard, and bass wise, Doug uses Gibson, and Dan plays Fender like a good boy.

Dan: Yeah, Jazz bass.

Ian: Ampeg and Peavey bass amp.

PB- An Iceabreaker, what are some of your guilty pleasure bands?

Give: No such thing!

PB- Well what would be classified as.

Dan: Well I'm a big saves the day fan.

Ian: Kid Rock, Drake, what other things could be made fun of uhh, Kendrick Lamar was what we were listening to on the way here. Its funny John never talks until we have to play or do an interview, he lifted his head up like a turtle and said "This shit fuckin' sucks"

John: I dunno I like techno

PB- favorite artists out there now, like currently.

John: Turnstile

Ian: Priest, Fury, Big Mouse is cool, Protester is the shit. Tenement is good also.

PB- Finally shoutouts?

John- Fuck Austin

Ian- We have this bassist named Austin who cant really cut it, so, hopefully this gets printed a lot of places, though actually Austin he plays in a band called clear which is really good so shout out to them.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Review- Oxymoron by Schoolboy Q

What is up everyone! Happy Saturday! Today I’m gonna serve yall up a review for the album “Oxymoron” by West Coast rapper Schoolboy Q.   The first time I heard Schoolboy Q was on Kendrick Lamars release tour promoting Good Kid M.A.A.D City and I always found him pretty interesting so I figured I'd give him a review.  This is a pretty intense album so lets dive right in.
            Straight off the bat I can tell you that this definitely was a huge release just by looking at some of the names on there like: Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Tyler The Creator, Raekwon, and more.  The thing that I truly find interesting about this release is that Schoolboy Q (unlike most other rappers) lets the guest performers on the track take more control of the song than he does; with respect to the fact that this IS his album, most of the time youll hear the guest verse before you hear his, especially on songs like Collard Greens and The Purge.  You also cant get past the fact that Schoolboy Q takes this album very casually, it doesn’t just continuously pound you with heavy songs and beats.  There are some very calm beats and verses on the album that don’t make you feel overwhelmed while you listen.
            On the opposite side of the spectrum there was a fair amount that I didn’t like about this album.  For example, I feel like some of the songs were very all over the place and some were more structured.  Schoolboy definitely took this more artfully but some of it does sound a bit fake and borderline generic. Not all of it, but enough of it that I noticed it.  I also don’t feel like there was enough of a variation in the way the songs were approached, when I listen to the songs I can almost tell how the song will go from the beginning and end before even hearing it.  I also find a good bit of it repetitive but I wont hold that against him. 

            Taking into account the fact that I liked the lyrics and rapping and all that I didn’t like, id give this album a 6/10. 

Upcoming Shows 3/27/15- 4/2/15

Here's another week of upcoming shows we recommend our audience should attend to. These shows are in the tri-state area. We cover shows from New York City, New Jeresy, Connecticut, upstate until Albany, and Long Island.
March 27.
1. Kinfolk 94- Ceremony.
2. The Grand Ballroom at Webster Hall- La Dispute, Title Fight, The Hotelier.
3. Irving Plaza- Pennywise, A Wilhelm Scream, Teenage Bottlerocket.
4. The Stony Pony- The Get Up Kids, PUP, Restorations.
5. Music Hall of Willamsburg- SwerveDriver, Gateway Drugs.
6. Brooklyn Night Bazaar- Teen Suicide, Amanada X, Liv UP, Crying, Flagland, Washer.
7. The Acheron- DropDead, Fucking Invincible, V-Sect, Narcoleptics.
8. The Bowery Electric- TAT, Kuf Knotz, The healy Wants.
9. East Setauket VFW Hall- Night Birds, Sprayard, After The Fall, No Problem, Gangway.
10. Revolution Music Hall- Biohazard, Sworn Enemy,Zire's War, Diesel, Oath.
11. Bogies- Defeater, Counterparts, Capsize, Hotel Books, Better Off.
12.  O' Briens- Weirdfac, The Dirty Nastys, Luke Zwelsky Group, Renegade Radio, 2nd Place Trophy, Taylor Labriola.
13. Heirloom Arts Theatre- Bane, Backtrack, Malfunction, Living Laser, Violence To Fade.
March 28.
1. Revolution Music Hall- Spring Mixtape 2015.
2. The Marlin Room at Webster Hall- Deerhoof, Perfect Pussy, Zula.
3. The Starland Ballroom- New Found Glory, Turnstile, This Wildlife, Turnover, The Moms.
4. The Paramount- The Get Up Kids, Pup, Restorations.
5. Saint Vitus Bar- Cancer Bats, Exalt, The Banner, White Windows Pact.
6. The Acheron- Noisem, Demon Eye, Death Dealer, BillxNYE, Scrowl.
7. ABC No Rio- DropDead, Fucking Invincible, V-Sect, Mad Diesel, No Way.
8. Long Island Pour House Bar and Grill- The Nightmare Police, Carbon Thief, Radio Daze, In Circles.
9. Hanks Saloon- Baby Sandwhiches, Weird and Pissed Off!, Enziguri, Silence=Death.
10. Funkadelic Studios- A-Truth.
11. The Grand Victory- Arson Welles, The Last Throes, The Gentle Men, Bay Street.
12. Cherry St. Station- Cry Havoc!, The Warning Shots, The Damaaged, Productive Members, The Theatre Zombies.
13. Amityville Music Hall- Better Off, Sojoruner.
14. The Webster Underground- CounterParts, Capsize, With Values, Lesserman, Life on The Sideline, Flown Past, Anchors Away.
15. Bogies- Biohazard, Sworn Enemy, Born Low, Borrowed Time, Trife Life, From Within, Boar Tusk.
16. The Meatlocker- Ill Earth, Party Cops, Walking Distance, Teeange Halloween, Jerry Fels and The Jerry Fels, Apexxx & Tyri 88.
17. Up All night Collective- Make Do and Mend, Ambitions, Death Black Birds.
March 29
1. The Paramount- New Found Glory, Turnstile, This Wild Life, Turnover.
2. Music Hall of Williamsburg- They Might Be Giants, Songs From Flood, Dial-A-Son, TBA.
3. The Acheron- Night Birds, No Problem, Sonic Poison, Nuclear Santa Claust.
4. C-Squat- Los Crudos, In School, Dischaka.
5. Revolution Music Hall- Mephskapeles, The Shipwrecks, Samurai Pizza Cats, Flat Jacket, Crisis Crayon.
6. The Grand Victory- Two Fisted Law, When Kingdom Falls, Hot Blood, 16 Hundred Pound pig, After The Burn, The Toxins.
7. The Webster Underground- A Loss For Words, Pentimento, Speak Low If You Speak Love, Like Pacific, With Novelty, Make The Rules.
8. CrunchHouse- Sperm Donor, Nervous System, Impervious Machine, Cop, Tick Hive.
9. The Meatlocker- Artifical Brain, Die Choking, Organ Dealer, Huldra, Sunrot.
10. East Islip Lanes- A Band in Ship, Boomside, Sweet Tooth, My Summer, Nick Dillinger, Milk Squad, Dirty Guns, Flight Risk, Favoritise, The Bellgards, Attica, Color Blind, Lexi Cassell.
11. Brooklyn Asylum- Harms Way, Homewrecker, Discourse, White Windows Pact, Icarus.
March 30
1. The Cooler Ranch- Night Birds, No Problem, Future Damage.
2. Fuze Box- Turnstile, Harms Way, Homewreckerm Discourse.
March 31
1. Saint Vitus Bar- SwerveDriver, Gateway Drugs.
2. The Acheron- Mutilation Rites, Anicon, Iron Force, Sunburster.
3. Asbury Lanes- Night Birds, No Problem, Mental Abuse, Stag Party.
April 1
1. Biohazard, Sworn Enemy, Old Wounds, Negative Sky, Hot Blood.
2. Saint Vitus Bar- Frnkiero and The Cellabration, The Homeless Gospel Choir, Modern Chemistry.
April 2
1. Best Buy Theater- Bayside, Senses Fail, Man Overboard, Seaway.
2. Shea Stadium- Honey Wild, Isudora, Walrus, Color Tongue, Twisa.
3. ABC No Rio- Gahter, Fossil, King Pin.
4. Asbury Lanes- Frnkelro and The Cellabration, The Homelss Gospel Choir, Modern Chemistry.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Review- Instance by I, Awake

Newly formed Long Island progressive band I, Awake has just released their first single, and I have to say it is one of the most refreshing things I've heard out of Long Island in a long time. This goes without saying I love the music that comes out of long island, BUT this is something far different than anything I have heard from a band here.
 Production wise, this release is super well put together, with some really solid leads and riffs, and I'm particularly partial to the really nice flow of the guitars. Unlike most mixes you find these days, it isn't choppy or anything, very smooth. My one complaint is that the bass tone isn't as loud as I would have liked it to be. And that the vocals should have been louder in the mix.
 Vocally, I am absolutely impressed, they sound a lot like old Northlane, a band I'm not too familiar with, but enjoy a lot after giving them a quick listen. They have a lot of power behind them, though on the mix you can't really feel it all too well. I think where this release shines is not only the actual track but how refreshing it is, you don't see a band playing this genre a lot. I think this band has alot of potential and they're certainly a good act to keep an eye on, they're gonna go somewhere really quickly I can feel it.
 I'm proud to give this first release from I, Awake an 8/10, keep up the good work, I hope to hear more soon!

Listen to Instance here!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Shai Hulud, Divider, Annulment, Commonwealth, and Enemy of The State at AMH 3/22/15

Last Friday at Amityville Music Hall, Shai Hulud returned to Long Island. Shai Hulud are a metalcore band from Flordia that have hardcore and progessive metal influences. Shai Hulud has been a band since 1995 and still kicking ass today. The venue Amityville Music Hall or AMH is the best venue on Long Island to see a hardcore gig. I'm guessing 60-80 showed up on Friday but that due to the snow. Still people came out and supported the bands.
The First band of the night was Enemy of The State. Enemy of The State are a Long Island Metal/harcore band. Their influences are very 80's. It's cool seeing bands today paying their due to DRI, Slayer, Biohazard, and Exodus. The material was very 80's and its been done before. Wasn't really into them and nor was the crowd. I give them credit they were different and weren't a generic hardcore band with breakdowns.
The next band was Commonwealth. Commonwealth are another band from Long Island but are a melodic hardcore band. There were the lightiest band of the night but that is not taking anything away from them. I really enjoyed them and I thought they came out strong. The lineup was very mixed but Commonwealth I've been wanting to see for while and I finally got the chance. If you like Defeater then Commonwealth is a great local melodic hardcore band.
Up next was Annulment. Annulment are a hardcore band that's really based themselves off the nineties. This was my second time seeing them and they aren't the type of band that wants kids swinging each other. The music is heavy but they dont want pits which I find interesting and different. The lead singer was in the crowd during the set. It's a very different element of hardcore when no one is moshing cause people are just standing there. If you like 90's hardcore than this band is worth your time.
Divider was something really different. They set up on thr floor of AMH and play there and its felt insane. Divider are a hardcore/metal band and from New York. They're really based off of bands like Converge, Deadguy, and Cave In. I really ejoyed the playing on the floor rather than a stage. It was really up close and different even for the venue. I think people really werent expecting that. Divider was really good and very loud. I felt my pulse just standing there and watching them. I would like to see this band again.
Shai Hulud was the last band and there were alot of people there for them. The lead singer was in the crowd for all of the set. People onlyed for Shai Hulud. I really enjoyed them alot and I've been waiting away to see them. I've them maybe 5 times and I finally got the chance. I just hate to see a band that started a sub-genre playing a small venue. Granted Friday was mixed with young people or older people its just I wish more people liked Shai Hulud. Even though they are a metalcore they attract alot of hardcore people whic is cooler because hardcore kids respect the history compare to the metalcore kids. Overall Shai Hulud was great and I'm glad I finally saw them. People you're missing out if you don't see them.
Shai Hulud 9/10
Divider 9/10
Annulment 8/10
Commonwealth 8.75/10
Enemy of The State 7.5/10
AMH 10/10
Concert Overall 8/10

Friday, March 20, 2015

Photo Showcase- Peyton Beard

 Today we have another showcase, this time from photographer Peyton Beard, whose other work you can find linked below! Take the time to check out her stuff, and give her page a like!


Upcoming shows 3/20/15-3/26/15

Here's another week of upcoming shows that Patrtican Music Reviews recommend you going to this week. We cover shows in the tri-sate area and sometimes shows that are Pennsylvania.
March 20
1. The Trash Bar- Damned Dirty Apes, Highteen Boogie, The Cuts, Dead on a Friday, The Blame, The Last Conspirators.
2. Seaside Tavern- Barmaids, Enziguri, Mearth, Matt & Maraduers.
3. St. Vitus Bar- Kill Your Idols.
4. Mothers Bar& Grill- reason Enough, Amber Girls, The Holy Terror, Silecne Equals Death, For Ages, Anticitizen.
5. Amityville Music Hall- Shai Hulud, Divider, Annulment, Commonwealth, Enemy of The State.
6. Shorecore- Old Wounds, Queens Way, Winchesterm Guttersnipe, Face The Facts.
7. The Place Bar and Lounge- Green Jelly, Barbaric, Risers, Darrow Chemical Company.
8. The Bomb Shelter- The Dirty Looks, The Blithedale Romance, Japanda, Heat Warmer, Chezwick.
9. Termial 5- Cold War Kids, Elliot Moss.
10. Warsaw- Andrew Jackson Jihad, The Smith Street Band, Jeff Rosenstock, Chumped.
March 21
1. Gamechanger World- NateFest Day 1
2. Pista La Jungla- Connekte, A-Truth, Garrido, Sepsucion.
3. ABC No Rio- Led to The Grave, Pink Mass, Lucid Terror, Eye of The Destroyer.
4. The Acheron- Tigers  Flowers, So Hideous, Cyperna, Godmaker, Mary Todd.
5. The Clash Bar- Darkwing, Hermano Stereo, Spowder, Hollow Eyed.
6. Saint Vitus- Pre Skool Dropouts, Anxiety Hammer, Slimy Members, NYC HeadHunters.
7. Amityville Music Hall- Giants At Large, Happy Body Slow Brain, This is All Wow, Legend of You, Time King.
8. The Meatlocker- Sean Ritz, Spenny Da Kid, Dem Feelz, Quantam Peruvian, Chephalopdos, Their Allies.
9. The Grand Victory- Kilifax, Point Blank, Alouth, A New Bug.
10. The Grand Victory- The Eddie Leeway Show, Yuppicide, Ache, Surprise Guest, Wilding Incident.
11. Hollis Woods Community Church- Lily and Annie Blech, Evasive Backfire, The Basement Sounds, Mindtroll, Virgin Ghost.
12. Obriens- Radio Daze, Carbon Thief, Short Notice, Crisis Crayons, The Nightmare Police.
March 22
1. Gamechanger World- Natefest Day 2
2. Amityville Music Hall- Iron Chic, Weed Hounds, Scout, Somset Thrower, Mouth.
3. Music Hall of Willamsburg- Swans, Little Annie.
March 23
1. Amityville Music Hall- Fossil Youth, Sleep In, Survivors Guilt, CommonWealth, Ornuments, SeeChange.
March 24
1. The Paramount- Taking Back Sunday, The Menzingers, letlive.
 March 25
1. Amityville Music Hall- Dave Hause, Mikey Erg, The Old Ironsides.
2. Shea Stadium- Free Throw, Soda Bomb, Battle Ave, Pocket Hercules.
3. The Grand Victory- Kill The Standards, Earnhardt, Plates of Cake, Lost Gloves, Statitle Vision.
5. Up All Night Record& Collective- The Menzingers, Choke Up, Milkshakes.
6. Saint Vitus Bar- Huldra, Autocatalytica, Pharaoah, Kids Having Kids.
March 26
1. Saint Vitus Bar- Torche, Nothing Wrong.
2. Cake Shop- Cancer bats, Exalt, No Way.
3. The Meatlocker- Disinterest, Dilate, Polyphony, Stinger, Facility.
4. The Paper Box- Capsize, Young Graves, Passage, Risers, This Isolation, Evil Betty.
5. The Clash Bar- Wastelands, Toxicology, Deadmen, Hounds, Ubusute.

Review- Jenny Death by Death Grips


Just the other night, the new Death Grips release got leaked, and thus streamed by the band on YouTube. This release is the second part of the two part release entitled The Powers That B. This release has been something of an enigmatic release, with their breakup, multiple delays, track leaks and this inevitable leak, it's about time this release came out.
 Production wise this release is far less experimental than Niggas On The Moon, with less sample use, and more synth and drum tracks being used. However I feel as though this release doesn't chalk up to Exmilitary or The Money Store. However some really cool vocal effects were used on tracks like Inanimate Sensation. Overall, I wasn't blown away with this release, but I definitely think that it lived up to the hype train it came in on, with a strong release.
 MC Ride's verses are as strong and aggressive as ever, but he does some talked/whispered bits sometimes which definitely throws off the whole release itself. Leaving me with some feelings of disappointment, but primarily fulfillment from a good release, this Death Grips record earns a 7/10.

Listen to Jenny Death now, here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Track review- The Powers That B by Death Grips

Enigmatic experimental rap group Death Grips released the titular track of the actual record, the second of the two part record being Jenny Death, the first of which being Niggas On The Moon released earlier before their 'breakup' which has yet to be seen as permanent. This five minute banger of a track is just adding to the hype for this release, and a possible 'reunion' tour for the record itself.
 Production wise this track is solid as hell, with some very aggressive, angry beats and samples. This type of production is fairly typical of Death Grips tracks of the past, particularly on Exmilitary. I'm fairly partial to this particular set of samples and beats because of the aggression it holds. Vocally, MC Ride delivers with the same, anger filled, shouted verses we know him for and the peticular way he does it in this track, all shouting, seems to be the staple for the upcoming record itself. In total, this track gets itself an 8/10, very hyped on this release to ACTUALLY COME OUT.


Listen to The Powers That B here

Monday, March 16, 2015

Photo showcase- Stronger Than Faith Tour(Suicide Silence, Within The Ruins, Fit For An Autopsy, Emmure)

All photographs taken by Shannon Nicole VanDenHuevel, check out her page at the bottom of the showcase. Check out her stuff and if you are on Long Island and need promos or any photography related stuff, drop her a message!

Shannon VanDenHuevel Photography
Shannon's Facebook page

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Review- Way of The Soundbender by Samurai Del

Seattle based producer Samurai Del, with his extensive collection of music including releases such as Oddblossom, 2020, and R00TS, has released a 20 track release entitled Way of The Soundbender. This release is a followup to Oddblossom and is definitely a strong one.
 Production value on this release is solid, with some really cool jazz sampling and some sound samples you can find in other traditional rap, and tight beats. I'm actually very partial to the jazz samples on tracks such as Made for Me ft. Toby Kyle, Mr Glass and my particular favorite track, slomogenisis. Clearly, a lot of effort was put into the creation of this release and it most definitely shows.
 The rhymes on this release are next level, and a lot of really cool effects were used on them for sure. On some tracks I find influences from some of Kanye West's work, which gives it all the more points in my book. Overall this is a really strong release from Samurai Del, and I hope to hear more from him. This release earns a solid 8/10, great work and I certainly hope to hear more.

Listen to Way of The Soundbender here

Review- Injustice & In Pain by Presence Of Fear

Metallic hardcore outfit Presence of Fear from Michigan recently put out their own solo release, a followup to their split with Detain. This release is a strong follow up to that release from 2013. Production wise this release gives a strong feeling of just plain, unadulterated anger and is certainly mosh worthy. Instrumentally, this release is formulaic to other metallic hardcore bands such as Hatebreed or Converge. With strong, chunky guitars with very strong riffs and leads and some really nice solos thrown in for good measure, fast paced drums and a solid bassline.
 Vocally this release is fair, with vocals that scream anger and aggression, however nothing particularly mind blowing about them. Lyrical content also doesn't strike me as anything special, typical hardcore styled lyrics. So in total, this release earns a solid 6.6/10 for some really solid, enjoyable instrumentals but fair vocals and lackluster lyrical material. This is certainly a record to listen to and pick up if your in the market for something hard hitting and fun to listen to.

Listen here

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Review- Moonlover by Ghost Bath

Speechless, that's all that I am left with after listening to this release from Ghost Beach, a depressive black metal outfit. I feel like no matter what I say about this release, it'll pale in comparison to listening. I wholeheartedly recommend this release to anyone, whether it be a newcomer to black metal or somebody who already knows their stuff.
 To start, production wise I have to say that this is one of the most emotionally provocative albums I have heard in a long time. The feeling of dread and sadness you get is unlike anything I've heard since I first listened to The Green Album by Woods of Ypres or Sunbather by Deafheaven.
 Instrumentally this release is flawless, with some of the best guitar work atmospherically I have had the pleasure of hearing this year. The drums and bass are flawless, and give great motion to the tracks. Vocally however is where this release absolutely hits me. The vocals are just so anguished and painful that you cant help but feel the dread surrounding you. This is one of the most atmospheric albums I've heard this year, a candidate for best album of 2015 and possibly one of the quintessential releases in the genre of the year, perhaps even the last few. I absolutely recommend listening to this masterpiece by Ghost Bath and am proud to give it a 10/10

Listen to Moonlover here

5 Demo Review

                                         5  D E M O                                           
5  D E M O S
5 R E V I E W ' S

West Point a Hardcore band from Kingston PA dropped their demo in 2014. The band is somewhat of an alt rock punk kinda mix, similar to Title Fight. Three songs on the demo, the best being "Bedhead" which is just a very mellow track that fits in really nice. The other tracks are decent. but nothing to write home about. What really bothers me about this record is the mix. I can just barely hear the vocals they're so low in the mix it really takes away from the rest of the album.  And from what I can hear the vocals arn't the best seems like his voice goes out of key and is a real shame. Otherwise not to much else to say about this music wise have a good base sound to work with and hope to see more from them.
5.3 Songs are decent at best. I'm looking forward to their new EP on Triple B records which they premiered a new song very recently.
Westpoints Bandcamp

Warrior Prince is hardcore based out of Pittsfield MA. This band has influences ranging from early hardcore bands to modern/past Boston Straight edge bands/lockin out bands. There attitude as a band is were warrior prince fuck off which is shown right off the bat in the first line off the track Clueless "Its the warrior prince you stupid bitch". I pretty much enjoyed the demo pretty good for a demo but iv got some complaints. The recording on the vocals legitimately angers me, sounds like his yelling through a tin can. Nothing in this really took me be surprise the songs sound in a similar and are written similar. vocals/mosh part/vocals /mosh part and that's how the songs are writing for the most part. Now that is not a bad thing let me make that clear I just feel like this band has more to offer than that and from the new songs iv heard them play (which will be on a split with Hollowbreath on RatTrax Records) they have a lot of promise.
6.69/10 Warrior Prince is pretty dope hope to see them again.
Warrior Prince Bandcamp

NYC headhunters, hardcore out of NYC dropped there demo a while back and i saw a lot of buzz over it. Through various merch swamp groups i saw there label and others posting about the demo tape so i thought id check it out. Featuring the brother of Brendan Radigan(vocalist of the Rival mob and is in a bunch of other sick bands) on vocals it I had to listen. NYC Headhunters draws from the oldschool NYC bands mainly Breakdown, and Krakdown. This band gives an enjoyable listen for any fan of the old NYC bands, they sound straight out of 86' with the same lyrical mentality. I mean i get trying to go oldschool and while this band does have some parts that sounds modern they could try some more to be more modern. Its cool to be a throw back band bands like Freedom and 86 mentality have done it and have had there own distinct sound to it while this doesn't really carve out an identity for itself. In closing this band sounds good all around vocals and such but needs to try something new.
Originally this review was going to be on Iron Edge's Edge Day promo tape but during the process of writing it their full demo came out so I kinda had to review it. Iron Edge or IronxEdge either way this band is very cool. This band worships Lockin out bands like Mental, Rightious Jams, Stop and Think with also combing a feel for bands like Youth of Today which there is a cover on the promo tape. Everything that I complained about the band at first are basically all gone. The vocals are still not my favorite but I can deal. Lyrically the band is still mainly all straight edge songs which does get tiresome. The songs from the promo are still the weakest on this and hold the tape back from getting a better score overall. And overall they do just worship lockin out stuff isn't anything new.
6.7/10  Songs are short fast very good sounding mix is good, but isn't the greatest Im looking forward to anything else these guys do. 
Iron Edge's 2015 demo

World War 4, Hardcore out of Boston Featuring members of Floorpunch, The Rival Mob, Stop and Think, Free Spirit, Mental, Righteous Jams, Mind Eraser and so many more.  This is the Second demo by the Band which completely blows the first one out of the water. It's like they looked at every little aspect of the first demo and made it completely better. During some parts of this i feel like the song just not right, doesn't really sit right with me. I feel like those parts are only for a little but they happen every so often that I makes a difference. I think its mainly cause those parts sound like Floorpunch and I am not to big into Floorpunch. Overall this demo is so sick don't sleep on World War 4
Overall 9.3/10 These guys really know what their doing.
Listen the Second Demo here on Youtube

Cult Leader, TrenchFoot, Death Dealer, Forced Out, Separted, and Starve at AMH 3/12/15

Last Thursday at Amityville Music Hall, Cult Leader return to Long Island. Cult Leader are a Metalocre/mathcore band from Salt Lake City. They are from Salt Lake City and most of the band members were apart of another band called Gaza. Cult Leader are signed to Deathwish so expected something unique.
The first band of the night was Starve. This was their first show and I actually enjoyed it a lot. The vocals reminded me a lot of Harms Way but musically a mix between hardcore and old school metalcore. They only played four songs but for their first show I dig them. The only think bad was the bassist was barely playing but look like he was having a good time.
Up next we had a surprise two set from the Long Island Hardcore/metal band Separated. How this happen was that half the members of Starve are also Separated. This was their first show since September. It was cool seeing them again especially being friends with some of the members. Since the set was short the two songs their played were interesting and had some nice mosh parts. Hopefully I will be able to see them soon. This band I totally recommend to see live.
Forced Out was up next and they're a  beatdown/hardcore band from Long Island. Very heavy material they have. Personally I'm not really into beatdown but I really enjoy Forced Out. Even on my top ten releases of last year their split with Wilful Damage I really loved. Since there was only 30 people there really wasn't a pit for them. Forced Out really does bring the heat and I hope they can go far. The best part of the set was when they ended and someone said what about the Hatebreed Cover. They covered "Smash Your Enemies" and the place erupted including myself. I totally recommend seeing this band.
Death Dealer are band from Long Island that mixes powerviolence, metal, and grindcore. They were okay. The problem was no one was moving for them plus when the lead singer is in the crowd people just moved back. This was my second times seeing this band. Musically they mixed 80's hardcore mosh parts with this generations grindcore. If you are a fan of this genre then check them out.
Up next was Trenchfoot who are 1/2 of the bands that weren't from Long Island. TrenchFoot are from Hudson Valley, New York and they're a metal/hardcore band. This was the second time seeing them and they really are heavy. Again no one was really going off for them and people were bopping their heads. The material was good and it seemed they weren't a generic hardcore band. If you get a chance to see this band do it.
Cult Leader was the final band of the night and they were wild. No lights on stage just their big bright light behind the drummer. Cult Leader only played like 6 songs and I wish they played more because they were so wild and different. Cult Leader really was something else. Again no movement from the crowd but Cult Leader were so loud and the material was great. The only problem I had was that because they were so loud you really could here the vocals. This is why I love Deathwish bands. By far Cult Leader has to go down to second best band I've seen live from Deathwish. I hope I get to see them sometime soon and totally check out their music.
Cult Leader 9/10
TrenchFoot 7.5/10
Death Dealer 7.5/10
Forced Out 9/10
Separated 8/10
Starve 8/10
Amityville Music Hall 9/10
Concert Overall 8/10

Friday, March 13, 2015

Staff picks- Top ten favorite albums of all time

These are the staff picks for top ten favorites of all time in no particular order, recommend highly checking all these out.


1. The Upsides- The Wonder Years

2. Songs to Scream At The Sun- Have Heart

3. Stay Cold- Trapped Under Ice

4. We Will Overcome- Close Your Eyes

5. Exmilitary- Death Grips

6. Bayside- Bayside

7. Ziggy Stardust- David Bowie

8. Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow!- Orchid

9. Crisis- Alexisonfire

10. American Football- American Football


1. The-Doors s/t

2. Cro Mags-Age of Quarrel

3. Gorillaz-Demon Days

4,WALTER SCHREIFELS-An Open Letter To The Scene

5. Seacats-s/t

6. Dinosaur Jr-You're living all over me

7. Slint-Spiderland

8. Nirvana-in utero

9. Cage the elephant-melophobia

10 Rival Mob-Hardcore for Hardcore.

Rouz Bouz 1. Fake history- Letlive. 2. Shape of Punk To Come- Refused 3. Damaged- Black Flag 4. Relationship of Command- At The Drive In 5. Sublime- Sublime 6. Loveless- My Bloody Valentine 7. Doolittle- Pixies 8. London Calling- The Clash 9. Rage Against The Machine- Rage Against The Machine 10. The Velvet Underground & Nico- The Velvet Underground Nick Bad 1. The Parallax II - Between The Buried And Me
2. Juggernaut - Periphery
3. By The Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers
4. Disclosure - The HAARP Machine
5. Good Kid M.A.A.D City - Kendrick Lamar
6. Based On A True Story - Blake Shelton
7. Mouth Of Swords - The Safety Fire
8. Volition - Protest The Hero
9. The Foundation - Zac Brown Band
10. Your Favorite Weapon - Brand New Mark Ricky

1 On The Impossible Past by The Menzingers

2 Worship and Tribute by Glassjaw

3 Enter The Wu-Tang by Wu-Tang Clan

4 Suburbia I've Given You All And Now I'm Nothing by The Wonder Years

5 To The Beat Of A Dead Horse by Touche Amore

6 Floral Green by Title Fight

7 Jerseys Best Dancers by Lifetime

8 People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World by Andrew Jackson Jihad

9 Illmatic by Nas

10 Pinkerton by Weezer