1 Firstly, to break the ice, what are some of your guilty pleasure bands
"Guilty pleasure bands? I'm a really big fan of that band PVRIS, that band is absolutely amazing. I love Paramore, a lot of our band actually really likes Paramore. Like, I'm a Paramore fanatic so I think those are two right now that i'm stuck on, me and our singer Joe were listening to them on the
2 How did you guys become a band
"Oh see that's a hard one, back in the day Will Putney, our other guitarist who doesn't tour with us, and it was him, Pat, and then we had another singer and a couple of other dudes, and then next thing you know singer went, we got Nate Johnson from Through The Eyes of The Dead, he was a good friend, and then they found me, I was in my old band Molotov Solution, we stopped touring and they needed a bassist so I hopped in and Tim from The World We Knew, same thing with his band. Josean is from Puerto Rico, he moved to New Jersey to be in a band on a whim, had nothing really, next thing you know we found him randomly and its been solid ever since.
3 What's your best experience on a tour to date
"Europe, going to Europe, UK and Australia, definitely the coolest thing this band, any of us have ever done. We sold out almost every night in Europe, Australia was almost sold out every night.
4 what kind of gear do you use
"For the heads, I believe Tim is using a 5150, for Bass I just got a new Mesa big block 750 so I've been using that. I also have a SansAmp RBI with a Keeley compressor. Bass doesn't have too much going on but it has a solid tone to it. We're using Mesa cabs, we're really happy with Mesa
5 how has it been touring with Suicide Silence
"Amazing, they took care of us in Europe and UK, we've been really good friends for a long time. We've known Eddie since he was in All Shall Perish so it's been really good. Really good relationship, and being on this tour with them has been great. But two and a half weeks so far sold out every night, it's been really good.
6 So you have a new LP in the works, how’s that going so far?
"It's done, it's done and ready, almost ready. Everything is recorded and its different, I'm hoping that fans will have an open mind, and worst comes to worst we're gonna make alot of new fans. It's definitely a progression, and I'm a very big fan of bands progressing, and I think that you should look at a band for what it wants to be, not just to make hits like a pop singer ya know? The way we want to evolve as a band, if people keep an open mind people will enjoy it.
"It's done, it's done and ready, almost ready. Everything is recorded and its different, I'm hoping that fans will have an open mind, and worst comes to worst we're gonna make alot of new fans. It's definitely a progression, and I'm a very big fan of bands progressing, and I think that you should look at a band for what it wants to be, not just to make hits like a pop singer ya know? The way we want to evolve as a band, if people keep an open mind people will enjoy it.
7. Any shoutouts?
"Shoutouts? Shout out to our boys in Thy Art Is Murder, we're actually hanging out with one of them right now, Marshy from Thy Art works with our guitarist Will Putney so shout out to them, love those dudes."
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