Saturday, March 7, 2015

Review- G.L.O.S.S. (Girls Living Outside Society's Shit ) Demo by G.L.O.S.S.

 Olympia based punk/hardcore outfit G.L.O.S.S. put out this demo in January of this year, and I'm disappointed I didn't find out about it sooner. This demo is arguably one of the better punk/hardcore releases I've heard in a while, musically and for what it does/stands for. First, I have to say that this demo is produced in the style of most punk/hardcore demos that have that grainy sound, a few audio skips, the use of feedback, it all adds to a very punk aura which this release oozes in the best way.
   Instrumentally there's nothing inherently unique, it's punk instrumentals at it's best with catchy, fast paced riffs and leads and great solos on guitar, a solid set of basslines, and great drum feeling. Vocally this release is strong, with powerful vocal presence from which I get a huge The Rival Mob and Trash Talk vibe from. Lyrically this record talks about the issues of gender roles and completely fucking smashing them (up the punx) and it is most certainly refreshing.
 What interests me most about this record is that it kills, maims and burns conceptual gender roles in hardcore. And for that I think I have to give this release a lot of credit, it does something incredibly unique with its lyrical material and the idea that Hardcore isn't just a boy's sport so to speak. As somebody who commented on their bandcamp put it, " This record is the perfect smack in the face proving the dichotomy of modern gender roles in society needs to be torched, This may be one of the most punk statements I have aurally witnessed in years." and I can't agree more. I absolutely hope an EP or a full length comes out of this band sometime in the future, because I am most certainly excited to see what happens. Overall, this release earns a solid 8.5/10.

Listen to the demo here

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