Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A "Stoned experience" piece on Mac Demarco's Salad Days

Recently, I was approached by one of my friends with an idea for a "Stoned experience" on an album. Natrually, I was intrigued even as somebody who is drug free. This article is written by said friend who chooses to remain anonymous. I hope you keep an open mind on this, because it is certainly interesting.

"As an avid pot smoker there is nothing i love more than to sit down and listen to albums that take me into another dimension of musicality and free thinking. In this series I want to take you on the same trip I have taken in each experience I've had with each album as a whole.
As a favorite of mine last year Canadian Jangle Pop singer-songwriter Mac DeMarco's Salad Days has (even sober) taken me on a journey of the chillest factor. Many may know Mac from small guest appearances on Adult Swim shows like Loiter Squad and The Eric Andre Show or for some of you out there his actual music career. Taking a look back at this album from a sober standpoint its very hit or miss on the interesting meter, his songs are very short sweet and to the point while putting layers under the simplicity that give it an acid rock feel. First listen through on the album I loved it for everything it was but a few things were missing, Noise canceling headphones, some sandalwood incense and a nice joint. Listening to the album in these conditions shed completely new light on what I already thought was a flawless album.
First things first YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM AS A WHOLE, I do not care if you only enjoyed a few songs on your first listen you have to listen to it as a whole or else you will not get the full experience. It starts off with the title song "Salad Days" which gives you a taste of what the album will be like, The entire song is great but the part that stood out the most for the entire song is of course the chorus. There is just something that comes over me when the keyboard comes in, an escapist feeling that only makes you want to get lost while falling back into nothingness. The next song that stood out as a whole was the song "Brother". Although a fairly slow song its the last minute of the song that left me in awe, the guitar work in that last minute of the song took me on a flight around Mars and shot me right back to my bedroom. The last song I want to make note of is my favorite song off the album "Let Her Go". Everything about this song just works. Its overall catchiness instantly made me the happiest man in the world and made me want to go out for a walk around town like nothing was ever wrong with the world. I can assure you that song was stuck in my head for a few days."" Salad Days

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