Thursday, February 5, 2015

Review- Law of the Land(single) by Harms Way

Chicago hardcore outfit Harms Way put out a single off of their upcoming release Rust called Law of the Land. This upcoming album will be the third studio album for the band, and the newest music they've given us since 2013's Blinded.
 This track brings to us a new sound from Harms Way, with a more electronic and atmospheric feeling to the guitars. The drums and bass are very strong, the bass particularly audible, giving a nice feel to the track. Instrumentally this single makes me think to Code Orange's newest release, I Am King. The bass and guitar mix with the drums gives off an aura of anger and dread just as that record did, which made it one of my favorites of 2014 as well. The lyrics are very in your face and angry, which Harms Way does phenomenally on all their releases. So overall, I have to give this release a strong 7/10, absolutely would reccomend picking up this release when it drops, especially fans of Code Orange or NAILS.

Harms Way's bandcamp

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