Thursday, February 26, 2015

Interview with Abandoned by Bears

I had the pleasure of speaking to the dudes in Abandoned by Bears recently, and got to ask them a few questions related to their music, some of their favorite music, and touring possibilities. Check it out!

  1. Who does what in the band? "Fredric and Leon both do lead vocals, Alexander and Jacob plays guitar, Zebastian plays the drums and I (Gustav) plays the bass."
  2. How did you guys start out as a band? "We started out summer 2012 right after both my and Alex and Fredric (at the time a good friend of mine) and Jacobs old bands broke up. We started out with the intention to mix all the sounds we like which in this case was a love for both poppunk and metal/hardcore, instead of choosing a already great drummer which we barley knew we picked a good friend with the idea that he would take the chance, give it all he got and we would be a 100% sure he was a person we would enjoy spending all this time with, so we picked Zebastian. A year later we stumbled upon Leon and it basically felt like he had been a part of the band since the beginning. We tried him out on one of our live shows and the day after he was a part of the band.
  3. What do you guys think/expect of the easycore revival? " We don't expect anything but we think it's great! Everything that spreads the word about the genre is amazing! "
  4. has the reception to your release When Nothing Goes Right, Go Left! been as good as you had hoped? "Absolutely, for us it's one of the more overwhelming experiences we have had. Spending all that time and hard work on something makes it so much better when you get that good feedback. "
  5. What are some of your influences as a band? "We all have such different taste, but you could say it's all from the easycore we play to electronic-lounge-jazz. We are all very open to new stuff and new genres. "
  6. What bands are you currently listening to? "As i said earlier we are all very open to new stuff and different sounds. But if we need to keep it somewhat close to the genre we play, I personally have listened alot to the latest New Found Glory and Forever Came Calling albums. I've also have started to listen to some of the older Motion City Soundtrack albums, their 2005 release "Commit this to memory" is a masterpiece. If you haven't heard it, listen to it now!"
  7. Do you guys expect to ever tour stateside?
    "Words can't describe how much we want to and if we could we would go yesterday. So with that said im pretty sure we will play the states, the only question is when?"

Thanks again to the guys in Abandoned by Bears, check them out here on their Bandcamp

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