Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Track Review- DEAD PLANET by Oceano

Chicago deathcore band Oceano hasn't had much in the way of music since their third studio album, Incisions which seemed to have fallen silent in many people's eyes.But this stagnance is about to break with the upcoming release of their new album Ascendants that is bound to change. Recently the band put out a track called Dead Planet and all I can say is....holy fucking shit.
  Oceano picks up with the sound I remember them for when I got into them back in 2009 with their album Depths. They slam right back into it with some ungodly low growls and very formulaic instrumentals that work for bands in this genre. Vocalist Adam Warren brings low vocals so good, its a rare treat to hear. The production value on the track itself is absolutely amazing, and about 1:48 seconds into the song some eerie synth kicks in that makes a heavy breakdown even more ignorant.
 Hearing this track only makes me more excited for Oceano's new record and their comback to deathcore, which I can only expect will be in full fucking force.

8/10 track, definately worth a listen, check it out!

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