PB- First tell us who does what in the band
"I write all the lyrics and we get together for practice, and usually Kevin or Jarred the two guitarists they have a riff in mind and they play that and we all feed off of that. Usually harry comes up with his own shit and DanMax does his own thing also. So usually the guitarists come up with a riff and we just base off of that."
"I write all the lyrics and we get together for practice, and usually Kevin or Jarred the two guitarists they have a riff in mind and they play that and we all feed off of that. Usually harry comes up with his own shit and DanMax does his own thing also. So usually the guitarists come up with a riff and we just base off of that."
PB- So how did you guys come together as a band
"So 2013 harry and Kevin and I were on tour, I was doing merch for two of the bands they were in, No Good News and Bellwether and one of them had an idea like hey we should start a hardcore band when we get home, and I was like yeah we should. And then we got home and January 26th I remember the day cos’ I got into a car accident that day and went to a show after and my parents got really mad, but anyway, we hit up our old bassist jarred and got together and recorded it in Kevin's basement and put it up on Facebook. So really somebody had the idea on tour."
PB-What are your major influences as a band
"I guess just new York hardcore bands, District Nine, Madball, Bulldoze, Burn, stuff like that."
4. Have you been able to use regulate as a platform for issues that mean something to you?
"Nothing like politically or socially, ya’ know its more of a platform for myself to scream about whatever I want really."
5. Now you guys played FYA fest a while back how was that for you?
"That was crazy, one of our friends said that one of the bands couldn't play anymore so if we could get to Florida, we could play. So then two days later we drove down and played, it was absolutely incredible."
6. Do you think FYA got a lot more people into regulate
"Yeah definitely, I mean its the first fest we ever played, the farthest south we've played was Richmond. That fest was the most people we ever played to hands down, crazy overwhelming and definitely more people know about us now."
7. What does Straight edge mean to you?
"Uh, I dunno I guess its like, its just not a thing in my mind, i’ll be straight edge for the rest of my life but its not a conscious thing anymore. If somebody offers me a drink i’ll just say no thanks now. When I was younger I was definitely a dickhead about it, like why the fuck would I want to drink, but now that i'm almost an adult, its more like, to answer, its just abstaining from things that aren't right for me, but I don't give a shit if anybody else does it."
8. whats your favorite thing about Long Island hardcore
"That there are a group of 30 to 40 kids that go to all the shows, and they range from all ages and even if were not friends we acknowledge each other. Since Long Island isn't that big, its cool to see them every time. I’m not originally from here, I moved here from Brooklyn when I was ten but I always went to long island shows, so it means everything to me. I love it, I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else."
9 Favorite Long Island Band currently?
"Currently, King nine, No Good News, Incendiary."
10. Any shoutouts?
"Shout out to long island fuckin’ New York, lobster gang, bellwether, no good news, king nine, just everybody, all of long island, Bob Wilson the guy who put us on FYA fest, Scanlon who books all our shows on long island, him and Jake Zimmerman are fuckin' the reason hardcore shows on long island still happen. You guys, thanks for doing this, I've never done an interview before so yeah."
Regulate's Bandcamp
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