Thursday, February 12, 2015

Track review- Exhale by The Beautiful Ones

So going into this track, I honestly had no clue what to expect. I had never listened to The Beautiful Ones but had heard about them every now and again by people at shows talking about bands they listened to. Going into this track, I was blown away by an absolutely stellar track.
  To start off, this track is definitely for fans of Code Orange as I am getting a lot of Code Orange vibes, but also for fans of Type O- in some of the bass lines and vocals. The instruments are very well put together and that bass line is arguably one of the best I've heard in a while. I'd have to say it almost crosses a line between hardcore and sludge which I really do enjoy.
  Vocally I am reminded of Type O and some of the tracks on I Am King, Code Orange's latest record. They are well tracked and I definitely can get behind them. Something I was particularly partial to was the effects used on this record, they are phenomenally well added into the track and give a really unique vibe to the song. Overall, this track earns an 8/10 in my book, great work guys, keep it coming!

Listen to the track here

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