Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why Long Island is the coolest place for music, why I wouldn't have it any other way.

I started going to shows in 2008, my first show being Mayhem Festival at Nassau Coliseum. From then on I was hooked on going to shows. From then on I started going to bigger shows, until I started realizing how cool the local scene is. I've had some amazing experiences with live music, and many of them being on Long Island. I've seen some beautiful crowd interactions, some hectic and brutal mosh pits, and dreams come true here, and I think that is the coolest fucking thing in the world.
  This scene is so vibrant and full of creativity. So many bands, both small and big in popularity and such come from this little stretch of sand and rock in the Atlantic. I've met some amazing people through this scene, and I absolutely wouldn't change a thing about my experiences. I could name so many bands that deserve to be signed, and on major tours. Some of those are getting there, some of them are stuck in that local band rut and maybe even through this blog, my dream, I could help at least one band get that boost they need.
 So many people in this scene are doing really cool things, helping bands out, reporting on music, just being active in a scene. That is the most crucial thing to this scene, it's members being so engaged.
 What can I hope for from this scene? Not much else, I really just want to see bands that deserve it succeed, and for people to just love what they keep doing, seeing shows, and keeping it DIY as fuck. That's what it's all about, and I wouldn't have it any other way. This article is for the moshers, the stage divers, the involved, the people who put blood, sweat and tears into this scene, you are the lifeblood of this place, this scene and culture we have. You are the people that I love, that I consider a second family, even if I don't know you, I love you for what you do. DIY Till I Die, forever.

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