Monday, February 9, 2015

Review- Exiled demo

Ottawa based hardcore band Exiled recently put out a two track demo that I had the chance to listen to this morning. Rough recording quality aside, I was thoroughly impressed with it's sound sonically. The band's influences include acts such as Disgrace, Code Orange, Desolated and Xibalba, so this is for fans of them for certain. Exiled is currently a DIY band , but I certainly hope that they get signed to a sick label soon, as I have high hopes based on the two tracks they released.
 The first track, Unconscious, rips hard with traditional sounding hardcore guitars, but the tone drops down during the main beatdown part. From what I was able to hear, instrumentally this band is formulaic of the beatdown genre but they do it well. Vocally, I am impressed with the sound, a very gritty and low tone. As I said, recording quality aside this is good, but I almost feel like the grainy recording quality adds to the experience of a DIY beatdown hardcore act.
 The next track is called Dissolution is short but definitely
 In all, I have to say this is a great first release from Exiled, and I certainly hope to hear more from the band. This release definately earns a 7/10.
brings the beatdown. This track is in the style of short hard hitting songs from bands like Weekend Nachos. The instrumentals are tight and overall very sonically pleasing.

Exiled's Bandcamp

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