Saturday, February 7, 2015

Review- Casey Bolles- Freshman EP

New York City based acoustic artist Casey Bolles recently put out his first EP in December of 2014. Tonight I had the good fortune of being able to catch some of his performance and pick up the EP on hardcopy from him.
  The guitar work on this EP is very well done, and fits the mood of the lyrics very well. But talking about the guitar work aside, which I personally loved, the lyricism and Casey's singing is where he really shines in my honest opinion. Casey has such a powerful and emotional voice you can't help but be drawn into his music by it. His voice could easily remind one of Christofer Drew sans the horrendous scene kid aesthetic. His lyricism speaks of the typical topics of love, depression, loneliness ect ect however I find that through Casey's voice, it gives the lyrics more oompf to it. Some of my favorite tracks off of the EP include Potential, Tattoo and Cowboy Killers.
 Casey's music is definitely for fans of acoustic artists such as The Front Bottoms, Alcoa, and others. This EP earns a rating of 8/10, and I would wholeheartedly recommend picking up Casey's EP off of his bandcamp.

Casey's Bandcamp

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