Saturday, February 14, 2015

Review- All This Time I've Felt Like Nothing by Take Care

Maryland based pop punk act put out this record in October of 2014, and after giving it a listen I am thoroughly impressed. For a pop punk band this record is not generic and well produced and that I give alot of points to them for. To start, this record is incredibly well produced, there aren't many audio hiccups, and it sounds very crisp.
  The instrumentals are formulaic to the pop punk genre, but it clearly works for this band. The guitars have a bit of a crunch to them, and the bass is audible and adds a good feeling to the tracks. The drums are well tracked and overall very solid. The vocals are where this band really shines I think. The high notes are well hit, and add to the catchyness and clarity of the lyricism. Lyrically this band follows the pop punk mold, writing about girls, love, loss and the like, but honestly as the band says in their description, they aren't trying to change anything about the genre, overall they're catchy and lead to a banger of a record. I could definitely see this band taking off, and I would like to see it actually, as they have alot of talent.

Overall, this record gets a solid 7/10, as they arent doing anything super unique, but it's certainly fun and enjoyable.

Take Care's Bandcamp

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