Thursday, February 12, 2015

Review- We Are Violent People By Nature by I Declare War

Seattle based deathcore band I Declare War put out their fifth full length album "We Are Violent People By Nature" in April of 2014. This release from the band definately hits hard and I have to say you can definitely hear the progression musically from their earlier material.  To start, the instrumentals are chuggy, heavy and overall sonically pleasing to the average deathcore fan. Analyzing them further, they are formulaic of the genre and it works for the band for sure. The drum patterns are solid and the tracking is great. Vocally the band hits hard with low, grunty vocals which make for an intimidating experience not only listening, but live coming from their burly vocalist, Jamie Hanks.
  Lyrically the band follows themes of murder, hatred, death and are very anti religious. Nothing that I have a problem with, and it works for the genre but honestly I find that these themes get old after a while. You can only write about killing somebody in a brutal way so many times before it becomes gimmicky and overall kinda lame. However, the lyrical content is often overlooked by fans, and that is okay, as instrumentally and vocally is where this band shines. Some particular stand out tracks on this record are Quiet, Blurred Vision, and the titular track.
 Overall, I have to give this release a 6/10 becuause I whole heartedly enjoyed the instruments and vocals, however the redundancy of the lyricisim killed it for me. This goes without saying, you should aboslutely give this record a listen, as it goes hard as hell.

Listen to I Declare War here

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