Thursday, February 12, 2015

Interview with Simona Morales of Insignificant Other

So this evening I got to speak to Simona Morales, also known as Insignificant Other, her ukulele project. We got to speak about some of her reasons for becoming a musician, the future of the project and her future as a musician along with what she has been able to do through Insignificant Other.

PB- So what made you decide to become a musician?

IO-A lot of things, I have a lot of muses, a lot of them are unlikely considering the kind of music I play, one of them is definitely Meghan from punch, Hayley Williams from Paramore is huge, a big part was going to a lot of local shows in high school and I listened to so many female fronted bands at home, so I always thought about it, but I always thought to the back of my head.

PB- I understand you are recording an EP, how has that been going?

IO-Yeah, it's going to be a full length, and the writing is finished and its super exciting. But i'm not good at finalizing so I've been re writing the songs, whats different is I'm in a studio setting this time, with   charlie fehrenbacher and he is a wizard literally. And it's completely different from songs about teeth because it was recorded on an Iphone so its incredibly enabling because I have the capability to I guess experiment with layered instruments, and I always envisioned it . As release date- march 14th possibly, because its a realistic and a friend asked me to release it on her birthday.

PB- What do you hope to achieve with Insignificant Other?

IO-I'm trying to sell out you feel, nah I'm kidding, but in reality i'm trying to find the resources and support to tour whenever im not in school. School is important and i'm pursuing two majors so its very hard, On top of working at an art studio, its very demanding.

PB- Have you been able to use your music as an outlet for issues that mean something to you?

IO-Actually, through insignificant other I have made a lot of friends and I have met other musicians and i'm starting another band that is a powerviolence act called 'cut with a kitchen knife'(subject to change) which is a title of a photo montage by a dada artist, Hannah Höch Cut with a kitchen knife is where I get to talk about issues that I really care about, especially anti Hispanic racism or rather racism from a perspective of a Hispanic person. But with insignificant other, on this album I am writing about stuff like my sexual abuse and abuse at the hands of alcohol, for instance the track , doctor, somebody treated my badly at the hands of alcohol, and it happened more than once, then I realized it wasn't just about one person. It was about how alcohol changes people as a whole.

PB- What's next for Insignificant Other?

Thinking about the future is motivating and terrifying, I want to send this record to as many labels as possible, anybody who will listen to it. I really dream of a vinyl release honestly, With the help of a label I hope that can happen.

Big thanks to Simona again, and you should all check out her stuff on Bandcamp!!!

Insignificant Other bandcamp

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