Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Review: First Degree- Street Justice

Anaheim California beatdown outfit First Degree recently put out their full length, entitled Street Justice. As a followup to their first release titled California Beatdown, this band has brought the bass dropping, mosh worthy beatdown and has earned a spot as one of my favorite beatdown bands out there right now. This album is full of angry, hate filled lyrics that make you have that signature tough guy look and pose the entire time your listening for sure.
  The guitars on this release are top notch, crunchy with very catchy riffs. The bass is next level, and gives a nice beat to the songs as do the drums. The drops just make it even better, leading to an experience in listening that will make you want to solo-mosh. Vocally I'm happy with however they are nothing mind blowing in the genre of beatdown but overall very good.
 Track wise, one of my favorites has to be Bloodshed, especially since it was remastered on this recording, it sounds much heavier than on their first release, and the vocals hit harder than before. This release comes out strong, and could be put on par with other bands such as No Zodiac or Rise Of The Northstar. Overall, I'll be giving this album an 8/10, as it comes out and ends strong, hits hard, and rightfully earned its place as one of my favorite releases so far of the beginning of 2015. I hope these guys tour soon, and make a stop in New York, as I and all of you should definitely try to catch them live.

First Degree's bandcamp

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