Monday, February 16, 2015

Review- Outlook (Instrumental EP) by Azure Noise

New York based Post Rock/Post Hardcore project Azure Noise released Outlook in 2013. I don't know a whole lot about the band outside of their material on bandcamp, however they're definitely worth listening to. This release is extremely atmospheric, and the instruments are phenomenally recorded.
 Instrumentally this band is all I could ever want, atmospheric, yet fast paced instrumentals. The guitar riffs and harmonies are excellent and overall very relaxing to listen to. The drums are very audible on this release, and add a great rhythm to the tracks themselves. The bass is definitely well done, and overall makes for a great listen. Some of my favorite tracks on this release are Promises and Broken.
 I got a chance to speak to Mark Valentino, who told me that new material should be out by the summer with any luck. Keep an eye out on this band, they're definitely something cool and I hope for nothing but the best for them. Hopefully the new record will be just as good as this, and their other material, I'll be giving this record an 8/10

Azure Noise

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