Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Review- View From The Shelf by North Runner

Today, Suffern New York based North Runner released View From The Shelf, their second EP. After giving both a listen I can say that this is a strong follow up to the first release, All That I've Got. This band is definitely for fans of Balance and Composure, 2012 Title Fight (Floral Green), Turnover and Into It. Over It.
 Production wise, this record is fairly well done, my only complaint is that the recording quality sounds somewhat grainy on certain tracks, particularly on the second track. Other than that, it gives for an exciting, emotional release that you can definitely stage dive or whatever pop punk kids do now a days. Instrumentally this EP shines as a more emotional, exciting record than their other ones. The guitar leads and riffs are very well put together, and remind me of Floral Green or Separation. The bass is excellent, and on the title track, the intro bass line is absolutely stellar. The drums are well put together, and give a nice beat to the tracks as a whole, the cymbal use is great and gives a feel very similar to other bands in the genre such as Balance and Composure.
 Vocally, I'm satisfied with the EP, but they aren't anything very unique or special. They give me a a feeling of Title Fight on some tracks, Balance on others which I think works for the tracks that this band is trying to do. Overall, I have to give this EP a 8/10, because from what they came from on their first release, to now, is absolutely great, and overall leads to an enjoyable listen. I would wholeheartedly reccomend listening to this release.

North Runner's Bandcamp

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