Sunday, February 22, 2015

Review - You’re Gonna Miss It All by Modern Baseball

Hey guys! Here we are again with “You’re Gonna Miss It All” by the still fairly new Emo/Pop-Punk band Modern Baseball who got their start as an acoustic duo from Maryland and later acquired their bassist and drummer after moving on to college at Drexel College.  So if you go to Drexel you might have heard of them, and if not, you’re missing it all!
            From the first second I listened to You’re Gonna Miss It All, I fell in love with Brendan Lukens’ vocals accompanied by Jakes not to mention the lyrical composition.  The subject matter is that of a down college student who merely notices things as he grows up and starts to take these experiences and look back on them as he relates them to his life now.  There are plenty of bands that can write songs about heartbreak and all that other unnecessary crap because who needs love when you’re famous and just writing these songs to fill albums (right?).  The thing that sets Modern Baseball is the fact that Brendan knows how to mock himself and bring himself down in a way where the listener can feel like they’re going through it with him in songs like “Rock Bottom”, “Fine, Great”, and “Apartment”, Brendan will take you through every girl he had ever met and fallen in love with and how it went until the eventual end.  He also knows how to incorporate a lot of modern problems about how Facebook, instagram, twitter, etc. really can break a relationship, and I feel that this fact makes the album a lot more real.  This album will have you feel and relate from the very beginning until the very end.
            Here come the unfortunate dislikes with the album.   Now I talked a lot about the subject matter but vocally Brendan and Jake are very monotonous this whole album with respect to the pitch that they sing the songs in.  There is very little variation in the way they go about singing.  Now I’m not knocking their vocal style because it obviously works very well for them but I like my album with a little more color on such an instrumentally sound album.   And the same goes for their production, instrumentally the production is A+ but the album is a lot of high end and not a ton of low end or bass, but that’s not a deal breaker.

            In the end, I really liked this album from start to finish.  I’ll give this one an 8/10.

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