Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Review- When People Grow, People Go by Blacklisted

Pennsylvania hardcore band Blacklisted recently put out their record "When People Grow, People Go" and I'm disappointed in myself for not finding out about this band sooner. This record hits hard with crunchy guitars, rough and raspy vocals, fast paced drums and a really awesome bass tone. This band for certain, is for fans of bands like Modern Life Is War, Self Defense Family and Cold World.
  The record instrumentally has a fast paced, classic hardcore feel to it, however with a crunchier, heavier sound to the guitars. The bass is typical of Hardcore, but regardless I love the tone, it's very audible on the record and something I can appreciate. The drum tracking is solid and the vocals are very similar to MLIW.
  Lyrically this band follows the themes of bands such as Modern Life Is War, and it works for them in my honest opinion. The vocals add to the emotion of the record's lyrical content, and overall are enjoyable to listen to. I think this band is absolutely a great addition to Deathwish Inc and I only want more from this band, keep an eye out for more material from them for sure!


Blacklisted's Bandcamp

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