Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Review- Some Divine Ashtray by Fero Lux

In 2012, Ft Lauderdale based mathcore band Fero Lux put out Some Divine Ashtray. I did not know what to expect going into this as I am not all too familiar with Mathcore. But this is arguebly one of the best local releases I've heard in a long time, even if it is a little older. It's so beautifully sporadic and well put together at the same time. Something else that this release does in my opinion is create a great sense of sonic imagery, where you can just imagine something to the music.
 Production wise, this release is stellar, and gives this great feeling of just sporadic and anxious rage. The instrumentals are very in your face at some points, but very mathy and complex in others. This feeling of disorganization ruminates through the whole record but far from in a bad way. The guitars have some great leads and catchy, complex riffs, the bass has a great tone to it that you can certainly feel through the whole record. The drums give great feeling and keep a really good pace with the tracks.
 Vocally I am absolutely just, enamored with this record. The tonality of the vocals makes for a unique and interesting listening experience. The switch from these high falsettos to low, normal metal sounding vocals to a skramzy style is something I've rarely heard on a record before, I draw a lot of similarities to the band Protest the Hero, and that's certainly something good I think.
 Do I think this release deserves a ten, yes, absolutely. I can't find a single thing that I don't like on this record, and I HIGHLY recommend picking it up off of the band's bandcamp. Keep an eye on these guys, I expect they're gonna go really far someday.


Fero Lux's bandcamp

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